UT3 Viper Beta 3
Mutators,Vehicles,Characters,Weapons...(Betas & finals)
UT3 Viper Beta 3 Name: UT3 Viper Version: Beta 3 Compatibility: Unreal Tournament 2004 latest patch (Doesn't work with UT2003 since there are no vehicles). Description: The Viper is the fastest moving vehicle on any battlefield. The Viper is lightly armored adn somewhat less agilen than similar A...
Heal Link Gun (Full Release)
Mutators,Vehicles,Characters,Weapons...(Betas & finals)
Heal Link GunName: Heal Link Gun Version: Final Release Compatibility: Unreal Tournament 2004 latest patch (Does not works in UT2003 since there are UT2k4 ONS references). Description: Barionyx used a difrent weapon set, and he wanted a Link Gun that wouldn't damage, just heal, so he headed to the...
Heal Link Gun Beta 1 [PS3] [PC]
Mutators,Vehicles,Characters,Weapons...(Betas & Finals)
Heal Link Gun Beta 1 [PS3] [PC]Name: Heal Link Gun Version: Beta 1 Compatibility: Latest patch. Description: The Heal Link Gun does not deals damage, its only function is to heal vehicles, nodes and team mates. Comments: There is still no bot compatibility, and it still isn't configurable as I want i...
Essence Link Gun Beta 2 [PS3] [PC]
Mutators,Vehicles,Characters,Weapons...(Betas & Finals)
Essence Link Gun Beta 2 [PS3] [PC]Name: Essence Link Gun Version: Beta 2 Compatibility: Lastest Patch Description: The Essence Link Gun is a weapon developed by the Razon and is based on the Link Gun. The changes made to the weapon make it a powerfull weapon against shielded enemies, this because the...
[MUT-UT2004]Game Speed Compensator
Mutators,Vehicles,Characters,Weapons...(Betas & finals)
Name: Game Speed Compensator Author: Sly. Version: Beta 1 Description:BETA 1 - This mutator is intended to be used with the Game Speed mutator. It will speed up or slow down your character movement to compensate for the slower or faster passing of time, depending on Game Speed's settings. For this, s...