I'm rooting for Open Tournament to make it. It's a tough challenge but here's hoping they can get a good base so we can make maps for it. I've collected some of the progress on my site if you're interested.
Sure, if you've got anything you want posted on the Support UT4 page, send a PM to it and I'll post it, don't forget to share the page to fellow Unrealer's (:
This should take off, I've seen a lot of interest throughout other EPIC GAMES related pages, for example "Unreal Engine 4" official page on Facebook.
Sure, if you've got anything you want posted on the Support UT4 page, send a PM to it and I'll post it, don't forget to share the page to fellow Unrealer's (:
This should take off, I've seen a lot of interest throughout other EPIC GAMES related pages, for example "Unreal Engine 4" official page on Facebook.