One of the co-founder of "lilchips" is DGUnreal, a well know UT mapper & he told me few years ago his team was working on some specific dev tools for gaming. I'm happy to see it as turned out that way, it look damn awesome !
Stevie's corner A blog dedicated to UE4, UDK, UT99 / 2004 / III / 4.
Yes, he is quite active on UDK forums these day. Whenever a quesion about terrain/landscape pops up he's likely givin good advices and profound information.
Terresculptor is in pre-beta phase since 2011, so I'm quite late with this thread :p
So, he hasn't change a bit. When he was making maps & someone asked a question, he provide very detailed & accurate answer. Same for his other threads like his tutorials. If I remember correctly, he was also include in Epic UE beta testers so he had all private UT3 / UDK builds at the time. Dunno if it's like that today but I'm not surprise he still in the game :)
Beta programs can stay in beta stage for a long time lol.
Stevie's corner A blog dedicated to UE4, UDK, UT99 / 2004 / III / 4.