I recently started in UnrealScript, to discover what I can do on there. I kind of got the basics now.
I tried to figure out how I could create a new HUD that indicates when armor spawns in the map. Just like they had the UT Armorspawntime mod in UT2k4.
I have not found any mod in UT3 in which already somebody has created this. (Sources: Google and other search engines)
Does anybody know if anybody has already created a similiar mod like above? (Please pinpoint me to it, if you know) If not, I'll try and see if can make something
Would be great for 1v1 games and smaller team deathmatches.
I'm not aware of any mutator/mod that is similar to this! A method would be to push a UIScene, via Kismet, onto the screen when the armour spawns. There are limitations to this though. UIScenes can't use materials(which is a pain) only textures. Scaling can also be a problem as the texture will scale differently to different resolutions. I'm sure there's a way to fix this but don't know how myself. psst..If you go down this path and work it out..let me know!
Second possibility is to find the coding for the UI and see what is contained within. You could probably code a mutator that say changes the UI colour when the Armour spawns. This mutator would probably need to be called via Kismet(on a armour spawn event) as well. I'm not sure how to call mutators via Kismet myself though.
Thanks bro. Ill go for the coding, but working on the UIScene first.
As answer to your question that the texture will scale differently: (I already ran into this problem..)
- Inside your UIScene - Positioning, set all Scale types to EVALPOS_PercentageOwner (Scale types Right and Bottom are set to EVALPOS_Pixelowner on default)
That helped for me.
I tested my UIScene on a another lower res. monitor in this household, and it worked :) It was still a little strechted out, but the difference between those two Scale types were good noticeble after I changed it, much less stretchy.