Lots of forums have a screenshots thread but it's usually limited to projects. Some folks, like me, take a ton of random screenshots when they're playing either to keep or share with others.
So, I'd like to start one here. Did a keyword search for 'screenshots' and there didn't seem to be a particular thread just for them.
Feel free to post any screenshots from any of the Unreal/UT games here. Just stuff you enjoy and wanna share.
Edited yet another DM-HallOfGiants up just for NW3 play, haven't swapped weapons yet but I'm having fun with it. Picked a monster to go with, the only one I could think of with an attack worthy to fight against players with those weapons...
...the ElectricKrall.
Sadly, NW3 is still periodically crashing the map due to some issue with the tubes' water effect... ...but that's less an issue if you've only got 5 or less players.
interresting theme....just a question? how can the rabbit help you? showing the way to go? weapons & fight with you? ammo rabbit?....hm.....wait.....that s more than a single question....
interresting theme....just a question? how can the rabbit help you? showing the way to go? weapons & fight with you? ammo rabbit?....hm.....wait.....that s more than a single question....
Ammo bunny would be pretty cool.
In this case, it does lead you for a bit and when other monsters are present it attacks them by biting their feet. It's a big bunny, as opposed to the usual nali-rabits which are more than ½ it's size.
(He was referring to the second screenshot by Blitz, I assume. )
That's UT3, the Jurassic Rage mutator. It can be found here (Moddb), here (Fileplanet) and here (UTzone.de). Choose a download link of your liking and have fun!
If you're not sure what game a screenshot is from (UT2004 or UT3, since UT2004 now has UT3 models and weapons this can be quite confusing), I suggest to check if the screenshot has any distortion effects (on Blitz' screenshot you can clearly see distortion on the "damage/death ring overlay" around the borders), bloom or depth of field or some post process effects. UT2004 doesn't have those as the engine is limited and even if there is the enb series mod that is supposed to enable bloom for UT2004, it still looks rather "blurred", colourful and brightened compared to the UT3 looks. Just a tip that might help you.
EDIT: Someone told me that the mutator might be a bit bugged or not work properly under the Titan Patch installations of UT3... but Blitz, you have UT3 updated with the latest patches and Titan Pack, if I'm not mistaken, right? Would mean, they fixed it - or is this an older screenshot?
-- Edited by Sly. on Friday 7th of March 2014 06:33:47 PM
I've been somewhat playing UT since it 1st came out, a bit longer than that as a friend of mine was beta-testing the demo version (least I think he was) before the official release.
Not until folks started customizing maps did I get hooked.
The 1st map that ever really grabbed me, and has been my favorite to this day, is HallOfGiants. Made originally for CTF, there are now versions for literally each gametype and they come in a wide range of variety; including DM-HallOfGiantsExtreme which Helen fixed after years of my being told it couldn't be fixed.
-- Edited by evilgrins on Monday 27th of January 2020 07:30:38 PM
Ever decided to take a nap in the middle of a hot day, woken up hours later only to discover it's not the early morning of the following day but instead the night of the same one you went to sleep? Today, that was my day.
-- Edited by evilgrins on Saturday 15th of August 2020 09:17:53 AM
Stumbled upon this screenshots thread while looking up how to save screenshots in .png on ut2004, i did it in the past and after a hiatus, forgot how. Might as well reanimate the thread here with some random-ass screenshots of my own
Those were uploaded on imgur, you can tappy tap tap 'em to see the full version
-- Edited by Gashimahiron on Friday 20th of May 2022 11:42:04 PM