Updated with Winter Dragons Unreal Project! I hope Epic is paying attention to all this attention that the original Unreal is getting! I tried to use the word attention in that a 3rd time but just couldn't work it in!
I renamed my project thread here to (WIP), because the date system doesn't auto update on facebook I didn't want you to have to keep changing it every time. Would it be ok to edit the link on facebook to read "(WIP)" as well? It won't change again.
My Unreal Project is history so you might want to remove the link on facebook to that thread.
The news is not all bad however, I am using what I've made so far in a multiplayer map that will be either CTF or DOM. So the screenshots on facebook of my stuff is still current, but the link to the Unreal Project thread is not. I'll post a new thread about my multiplayer map either December or January 2013 when I have more to show. :)