3.) Zbrush is a sculpting prog. Mainly used to create high poly meshes for both, organic and hard surface models. You won't get it for free.
Autodesks Mudbox is available as a free version for non-commercial use. Mudbox is a sculpting prog (not good for hard surface models) and has strong texture painting tools.
Sculptris is a free sculpting prog that has some nice features like automatical tessellation. The drawback is that it only work with triangles, no quads.
Blender is free too and also has a sculpting mode. But it can handle much less polygons than the pure sculpting progs so it becomes slow and laggy very early.
Yes, some of us still playing UT2004 and UT3 (and sometimes more old :p....2k3 and goty fe) quite all the guys i play with are registred here but they dont seem to be forum addicts, so yes some guys from this forum still playing but not the "active core " of the place ....@ least not online. players mainly use XFire to "synchronize" their gaming, if u use it or want to give it a try add me please : bfgblitz
other important think is that we are from all around the world and we are under ping laws! no way for a fr to play with his aussie mate on a UT3 server :p
I use the -nohomedir switch since day 1. The only problem is when you try to cook the map, the -nohomedir switch isn't taking into account. The editor try to find your Unreal Tournament 3 directory under your "My documents" folder but since it's not there, it will popup some errors messages but still, it create all the folders under "My documents".
What I do is simple.
- When your in the editor, click the build all button (even if your editor is open without any map), it will create the folder structure under "My documents". - Copy your maps from your local unpublished folder into "My documents\UT3\blablabla" remote folder. - Open your map from the remote unpublished folder & click to cook.
I had some issues at the begining to figure out this behavior but it work 100% that way so I'm happy to share this info with you :)
Stevie's corner A blog dedicated to UE4, UDK, UT99 / 2004 / III / 4.
[1-2] - i will test some of those servers to see my ping
[3] - i shall try Mudbox
[4] - IF anyone is interested, i can run a UK Server for some old unreal content - i change my IP everyday... - Basically everything that is available from old unreal games, like Assault, weapons, maps etc [you all know steve's webpage, so you probably got the content already], and then just my content. - i usually use it for testing maps and content online, but if ping is acceptable some games might be fun
[5]- cheers steve, sadly that is what i was afraid of. :(
- i am trying my best to keep my harddrive clean, i got a 120gb SSD and i would like to keep it for the O/S only, unfortunately it looks like i will have to buy another SSD and run it in RAID:0 or 1 or something.
- HOWEVER, i might be able to change the directory files, i have not tested it yet.
[Directories] ORIGINAL = C:\Documents and Settings\USERPC\My Documents\My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\Binaries\..\UTGame\Unpublished\CookedPC\CustomMaps\ GenericExport=D:\My_New_UT3_Folder_full_of_ut3_stuff GenericOpen=D:\My_New_UT3_Folder_full_of_ut3_stuff GenericSave= ^as above^^
Still not sure where i am & am not allowed to post stuff- again, sorry if this is in the totally wrong place.
- I re-installed ut3; got fibre, booted up a server and thought i would get side tracked from my other maps and make this....
- probably my 4th mirror's edge map, - i think most people probably know i don't like this bsp/holp style mapping, but i thought it would be a good choice for the simplicity and style i need to achieve the re-imagining of the scraper deck level. - also i thought [since you guys are 90% holp enthusiasts] that maybe some of you will have good input. [hopefully most of you?]
- its just a standard 6 hour attempt thing atm- think of it as a blank canvas, i just playing colours and i have the map layout done [as it is in ME -] - Hope yall have fun coming up with ideas for colours, styles etc
Still not sure where i am & am not allowed to post stuff- again, sorry if this is in the totally wrong place.
You found the Help thread, so your on the right track.
- I re-installed ut3; got fibre, booted up a server and thought i would get side tracked from my other maps and make this....
- probably my 4th mirror's edge map, - i think most people probably know i don't like this bsp/holp style mapping, but i thought it would be a good choice for the simplicity and style i need to achieve the re-imagining of the scraper deck level. - also i thought [since you guys are 90% holp enthusiasts] that maybe some of you will have good input. [hopefully most of you?]
Most of us love HOLP, but all the veteran mappers can always provide you good feedback about pretty much everything. I'm sure HOLP and BSP mapping won't be excluded in regards to that.
- its just a standard 6 hour attempt thing atm- think of it as a blank canvas, i just playing colours and i have the map layout done [as it is in ME -] - Hope yall have fun coming up with ideas for colours, styles etc
I suggest you start up a new thread when you have a Beta going in the UT3 Beta's section. The WIP's that I wanna show off, tend to go posted in the Work in Progresssection. Etc. etc. You can't really make any mistakes on posting. If a moderator or Administrator (Bl1tz) might think you did post a thread in a wrong section, there will kindly advise the appropriate section and ask for a move of that thread to that.
I have chose my primary lighting scheme for the map- or at least what i woould like, it just needs to be fully applied, and tweaked, now i am looking at potential shadows..
- Does this seem an acceptable starting point for the "Colouring & shading" of the shadows and stuff...
- - im wondering if the orange shadows actually match the generic lighting on the white floor tiling, or whether i should focus more on this coloring with the material expressions of the specular node.
- any thoughts on this?
* consider this... if i changed the wall texture material to have a lower specular and less relfection on the orange tints in the top part of the wall, to better contrast the same effect present in the white tiling floor -- that of which is clearly not as "shiny".
- again none of this is final- its just each stage in testing.
- this map will be flipped and duplicated for vctf- but lookign at some of the geometry - its a potential DM map also so tyhoiughts on that welcome too
Many Thanks
-- Edited by TKBS on Sunday 10th of March 2013 03:16:29 AM
-- Edited by TKBS on Sunday 10th of March 2013 03:17:23 AM
That looks like a join between two pieces of BSP. One BSP block is getting blue light cast on it from the 'vent' and the other isn't, hence the blue only appearing on one of them. At a guess, raise the quality of the shadow maps for the bsp surfaces on the floor and see if it calculates the blue light better. Otherwise use the vertex tool and adjust the width of those BSP chunks and move that edge away from the vent.
Using the 'lighting only' view may also show you what's happening with the lighting in that spot.
-- Edited by Lord_PorkSword on Friday 29th of March 2013 10:11:14 PM
Can a moderator change the O/P to Thread title: - "Things i need help with"... ?- please.
- Thanks
- Also I need someone to check a file for me- i have an issues i have never seen on BSP before and i am runnign out of ideas on how to fix this strange Line.
p.s. does not always appear in game aswel..
- also N:B sorry about spoiling the map with a spoiler image; but im stuck on this and that is not like me to have this issue
really appreciate some heklp on any of these problems listed- im just rtyign to improve content and give it back to those who enjoy what i enjoy also - Many Thanks
I appreciate that Bl!tz, now i think it should be called "things that confuse the pants off me"-lol :)
- First of all, thsi happens to me alot; i spend a month making a cool map and then i get issues i have never seen before - 3 New never been seen problems.
1. Engine Limit [32 bit limits] ^^ Due to the engine's 32bit nature - i often exceed teh allowance for maps in ut3 - However i have found a fix for this to allow a "64bit style editor, with increased VRAM capabilites and higher vert counts/ lightmaps allowed" - its an obvious fix i know but it works; - run 2 editors [or like me play another game or use udk + ut3] :)
2. This is weird
- i Open my map [no splits in my BSP although i have used extrude 1 time which im not a fan of anymore] - i get this new error
^^ any ideas - could this be my Extruded brush? ^^ - by extruded brush i mean- i had to extrube a brush to get the collision on my custom blocking volume correct-
- has this brush effected my collision?- dunno=- does this make my map crash--? i think so - but again- i have no idea
3. My ut3 My documents is now read only- i have no idea why- it did this by magic on its own.
- when i move a map from my unpublished folder it remains in the same folder- and duplicates itself to my e.g. desktop - the desktop file says it does not exist- and the unpublished file also says it does nto exist- the file then appears on my desktop after i close teh unpublished folder
- Special error number 4. - my map does not Rebuild all anymore it simply says "file doe snto exist - for the ut3 binaries - Please help; sorry to pester
p.s. bl!tz, i really appreciate the thread chaneg and the friendly attitude from the forums from everyone, i do not take offence- but i always feel weird when people call me "bro"- im not black and i do not know eveyrone here well enough to be a bro - + i have given very little back to the UOF team so feel a bit uncomfortable - just call me "friend// or Skee" * when i have given back all i can to the forums- then you can call me what u like :) Thank you everyone- how i can get this map done its been a really hard month getting a mirror's edge map perfectly adapted for both imitation + gameplay incorporation but im very close
-- Edited by TKBS on Saturday 30th of March 2013 08:08:31 PM
-- Edited by TKBS on Saturday 30th of March 2013 08:10:05 PM
roger that friend, i call everyone bro in life and on forums because we re all brothas on this world(mother nature, motherearth), nothing to do with harlem (blacks, whites, yellows all have brothas...),nothing to do with a "common "mother or something like that....no offense, no racism....p.....peace!! from me it s just a sign of affection and i try to use it to make peeps around me confortable....it seem it s a flop...lol....hardest now will be to remember who like or not....my fault though
1/tbh i must say that sometimes friends are more than brothers because u choose em....do we know us enough to call us friends eachothers? lol....just kidding you friend, in fact all is a question of point of view and i respect your ideas and the fact that you re enough honnest to tell your feeling
2/what mean skee? my s***y translator will not tell me
oh...and sorry i cant really help with all thoses ed problems, i m more in my truck than on my PC theses days + i never heard or have seen such weirdness in such proportions, u have no luck , i hope someone will be able to help you
-- Edited by Bl!tz on Saturday 30th of March 2013 10:11:38 PM
* I would like to make clear step by step tutorial for making great 'Sky' [i will post this in the tuto's section when completed].
- This is something usually i end up spending hours on a texture and using LERP + all kinds of material expressions to make a material fit onto the Pathetic sky domes made by epic.
- Sky is truly a nightmare in UT3 [p.s. check all my maps you should see my sky materials are pretty damn good even if i say myself, but they take too long and i have been using an unstructured process- lets make it structured !!]
- The problem is because epic have sky domes with Baked textures & ingrained UV's, it can be a nightmare to achieve the results wanted.
- Would someone like to help/ contribute/ comment + help please ?
- Here's what Normally i do:
1. Create the Sky texture [Here is 2 random/ + unfinished examples]
- For a sphere dome/Mesh -
^^ as basic blue night sky with maybe an organe nebula [choice based on map design/ & my intentions for lighting]
- for a panaramic Dome/Mesh -
2. Apply to an appropriate sky dome in Editor and patch up the bad areas with LERP and other textures/ Clouds etc
The options are:
Panaramic mesh
1. UN_Sky.SM.Mesh.S_UN_Sky_SM_Sphere_Night
^^ using a panaramic texture - as shown above ^^
a) Cover sweams and stretching using material expressions + addiditonal textures
b) Use a panoramic sky dome + panaramic texture
Dark Sphere Mesh
c) Use the Dark Sphere sky dome and apply a Spiralled Textured [i use polar coordinates coz i don't know how else epic could achieve the swirl.]
3. Custom Mesh
d) make a whole new sky dome model and UVW Map my texture onto it.
** what goes wrong:
- Materials become messy from using clone + heal in Photoshop [produces poor results]
^^ OR you have to spend 3 weeks on every pixel to get it right- [Time constraints don't allow for this]
- Seems and nasty spots appear on the material
- Seriously wtf; there must be 1 perfect way to get what i want everytime.
- The point is i know everything combined works eventually - but is there a way to take my perfect panaramic sky texture and get it onto the corrcet sky dome?
- i start with this sky texture:
^^ but i have to change it becuase otherwise...on a model looks like this:
- and SO ... then i have to destroy my work just to achieve this using polar coordinates - WTF!!
- Can anyone help?
-- Edited by TKBS on Wednesday 3rd of April 2013 01:36:57 PM
You won't get a clear panoramic texture onto a sphere mesh, there will be always distortion in the UV map so the texture needs to be somewhat stretched too, otherwise there is stretching once applied to a material/mesh. The only way around would be lots of UV seams which makes it even harder to work with, because the result is not a solid UV island shape like a circle or rectangle.
That workflow described looks fine. Though I'd just use polar coordinates for the whole panoramic texture, clear the mid part and resize.
-- Edited by mAlkAv!An on Wednesday 3rd of April 2013 09:47:11 PM
that is not the panoramic tutorial- its for the sphere dome only ^^ thats why in bold it says "this SM only" - lol :)
- this is the point i am trying to raise; and sounds like you clarified the problem.
- i will post a tutorial with a small workflow for the panoramic scene; but if someone else already has a work flow then feel free to post it. - tbh i don't use panoramic scenes alot, hence my troubles...
- The panoramic scene will be much the same, but with the orange nebula acting as an evil eve type tear in the sky [i am hoping], possibly some form of backdrop buildings or hills aswel.
- cannot believe i ended up making this pixel by pixel lol- damn
- Does anyone know how UT3 uses the LUT?- or if it even does..// p.s. it must do :)
Reason: - Trying to make LUT's for UT3, i think it requires c++ access, but im a stupid moron when it comes to code..
- i won't annoy people with the things i have failed at.. but UT3 must use some form of LUT and therefore is should be accessible/ be moddable-- Critical: Windows GetLastError: The operation completed successfully. (0) Log: === Critical error: === Rendering thread exception: Assertion failed: LookupTable.Num() [File:.\Src\Distributions.cpp] [Line: 609]
^^ this indicates its defintaely native - which is a bastard, [cpp]- thank guys. p.s. holding back on map release- this one is going to be cool.
I would like to put a few Texture packs together. - over the years many textures have been made by many people. i usually start fresh every time but this seems silly after so many years.
Does anybody want to help?
- Provide advice, ideas, content, links etc
The Texture packages may be set as follow:
Texture Tutorials [Before you start]
- Contains some tips about how to make/ & find textures.
Texture Tutorials [Photoshop]
e.g. Making metal, wood, tiles, seamless patterns etc
Texture Tutorials [UT3 Gettting them ready]
- Thinking about size, channels etc before starting
Texture Tutorials [UT3 Imports]
- Thinking about size, channels etc before importing
Texture packs:
[Unreal common Original examples]
[Authors. e.g Hourences etc]
One Question i have is;
Does anybody have a good Method or Macro to balance the brightness/colour etc of images?, i am aware a few messy, methods but they are not great and definitely not tutorials yet.
With a few nice texture packages it might be cool to check old maps and update them with nicer content...