with no UT4 announced and after more than 4 years of UT3 use i was asking me what are ur feelings about the game and what are the things u still cant deal with or just dislike
not to have big discussions on specific tastes but just to try to get an idea of which points are "essentials"...it can be related to the game organisation, features or/and content
i tryed to navigate such threads in Epics forums and it always ended in a general train wreck about personnal tastes
so thx for ur wisdom and for taking the time to answer ;)
*lets try with 5 points by person in order of importance
1.anticheat 2.better online browser 3.been abble to choose where u install ur game( to not ruin ur lil SSD) 4.shield-gun (with choice enable or not) 5.better stock low grav settings & system
1. MORE FLUENT GAMEPLAY (getting stuck at every little detail and jump feeling): Not sure what exactly the reason for these two major issues is, but it definitely belongs into the category of gameplay and it prevents fluent gameplay. I HATED the fact that you get stuck on something that is less than 1UU in height and somewhere embedded in the floor. It is not only a hurdle for optimization in map creation as you have to carefully watch every little collision issue for a map with a nice flow but you also have to jump to leave those "traps". Sometimes you want to get out of the water and you're still holding "jump" to get faster to the other side and then you enter a spot in the water that has a certain depth and get stuck leaving you vulnerable to attacks from everywhere! Instead of leaving the water you get some kind of seizure and can't move from the spot, you twitch around like crazy and can't even hit your enemy in that time because the view is shaking uncontrollably. At times you have to jump over those little hurdles to even get out of those traps or so you don't get stuck. In my Vortex Rikers remake I recreated the walkway slopes in the prison block and they're little 45° "steps", not even half the height from your toes to your knee and the character got stuck! I couldn't walk over that little slope, something's definitely wrong there... And I blame the jumping feeling as when you jump, it feels like you immediately fall to the ground because some huge electromagnet beneath your feet is pulling you and your heavy armoury and weaponry back to the ground but you somehow still managed to jump. Jumps just don't seem to stay as "long" as in UT99 and UT2004 and they're pretty rapid and not fluent which is in my opinion one of the reasons you sometimes have a hard time leaving such death traps. You get stuck and it's hard to get the timing right to leave them. They should try to fix the getting stuck issue and while at it fix the jumps so you have a more fluent gameplay. Drives me crazy even today and I can't stand the jumping feeling up to these days.
2. NO RIPPER: No Ripper... No RazorJack... No Ripjack. Come one Epic! That weapon concept was simply amazing! Nobody said you have to include it in those ultra-leet graphic stock maps, but it would be something for the HOLP lovers and the "competitive" maps. Talking about this I should also mention that Epic shouldn't have focused that much on graphics as this leads to sacrifices, not only performance-wise but as you can see also in the choice of weapons.
3. NO DROP WEAPON: Only per console command or self made keybind. Why? It was always a useful feature, I used it to give someone a weapon in a tactical gametype in UT99 and UT2004, e.g. AS or CTF. Defenders will definitely need the Redeemer for example, but they have to defend, what's best than a person who is walking around the map, colleting super weapons for them, inform them about the enemies, etc. who can give them the weapons + information? This would be damn important in Suspense and Necropolis for example. And then again, I cannot bind it on "^" as it used to be in the previous UTs and Unreal here on my German keyboard. Again the question: Why?
4. BETTER MENU: And better structured options. The Settings are really a mess after the Titan Pack. Before there were not enough options (a'la graphics low, mid, high) but now there is indeed enough to be able to tweak your game, however, you have to search and find what you are searching for at first, which can be a pain at times. Up to these days the Favorite Servers browser category still has no back button. I think they should definitely go for a U-window if there will EVER be a new UT or Unreal. It was definitely the best structured menu I've ever seen, simple in layout, very effective, many options, everybody knew how to use it (since it was 99% like Windows) and still good looking. If they insist on it, why not in 3D? But please, what was so wrong about it? It was all fine and the best menu of all.
5. POOR NETCODE AND NO LINUX SUPPORT: Self-explanatory. A match of vCTF-AnarchyHalls (which is truly a rather small and fast-paced HOLP map made of ca 15 BSP brushes) with 8+ players can lag a lot. vCTF-Basically, Shi... I mean Shoebox and Arena Of Jolts can lag a lot with a decent amount of players, something's wrong there... The quality-maps do really suffer online, stock maps can be at times unplayable (a full match on Suspense is a real pain gameplay-wise, it's not because the map would not handle 20 players, it's because it can lag that much that you have just no control over what you do sometimes) a high poly map can be a real pain to play with a decent amount of players, fine for a 1on1, but way too annoying to be played with enough players for a nice carnage. We got the graphics, but in the end it's pretty useless online. ____________________
All this may sound a harsh, but I just listed the bad parts about UT3, and really, that's basically everything. I can't think of anything else, so overall UT3 is ok, not the best UT, but definitely ok. Now if they would at least fix these last few things... Then I would consider UT3 to be on par with UT99 and UT2004.
UT3 to latest UE3 version anyone? *hints at LPS action*
-- Edited by Sly. on Tuesday 6th of March 2012 09:49:32 PM
1 - A gameplay like UT2004 mainly for the mouvement. In fact, only the mouvement of the players (dodge, climbing slope, ...) 2 - A real Anticheat, 3 - Shield gun, 4 - Less blurring 5 - See #1
The game is better since i found the dodge mutator for UT 3. I discovered it 1 month ago. :( Shame on me, mb.
Actually, a new engine has been confirmed. But nothing confirmed a new UT. As for me, i pretty much gave up on mapping.. Im tryin to learn some CryTek atm.
Anyway, here is the video of the new engine. Skip the pokemon part (or dont :P haha)
Yeah it was already mentioned in the chatbox thread but it's still in a very early state of developement and first pics/videos has been announced for the end end of this year. This video shows unreal engine 3 footage only, btw. There has been no UE4 presentation at GDC as far as I know.
Heimdallr wrote:
4 - Less blurring
If you talk about motion blur, depth of field and bloom post processes they can be toggled on and off. Further detailed adjustments are available in the .ini or the world properties (in case you build your own map).
I have no personal ranking so here are some points with random numbers ;)
5 - server browser; was one of the first things that bugged me when we played the demo back in days
1 - low grav implementation; movement is a pain in the ass and I really miss UT2k3/4 here
3 - proper blocking volumes / collision settings; if you are supposed to dodge and doublejump this is a must.
Though I did like the shield gun a lot it's not a reason for me to not like the whole game.
-- Edited by mAlkAv!An on Tuesday 13th of March 2012 09:29:07 AM