HI guys, well some ofyou knowthatIamworking on alowpolymappack, focusedoncompetitive play,DuelandDMonly(yep like HOLP but a bit diferent),wellitisoneofthemapsfromthere,ihopeurfeedbacks,
Edit: i fixed some light issues, add a portal, and changed some textures (thx to blitz )
Wow! very oldschool mapping, now let's see this map ingame!
/lauch the game
OMFG!!!1!1!! It rocks! Awesome! Near perfection! Great map!
All the items are near the walls or in the corners: Iseewhatyoudidthere.
Plays well on duel, plays great with 3 players. More than 3 players is too much.
I remember the "Villa" map in Perfect Dark on Nintendo64 : same visual style, and very aggressive gameplay, with an important part on the opponents movement prediction.
What could I find wrong?
-There is a plane missing his water texture in the Biorifle corner. (surely the missing file)
-I can hit a wood structure (made with those green beams) with my head when double-jumping from the stairs under it. But it's a small detail.
The only flaw I saw was an edge blocking me when I walked along the wall :
How can you improve that beta? You are awesome !
-- Edited by Foufoune_Rose on Monday 31st of January 2011 01:00:00 PM
[Knowlage is power]Sinéad, for the first time, life is gonna turn around...
oh thanks very much Foufoune, im glad for ur coments :D, and yes, good observation, this like a duel map but is better with 3 players becouse u can control the map from the central corridor... well ill fix the details right now! :)
nice map, the gameplay is fantastic... like on all your maps! in 1 v 1 vs high skilled bots... i was liquid :p
to be honnest i dont like some visuals: -the fan jumpad looks weird in such a place...looks very techy -that blue material all around is very repetitive, the blue color is so strong that it kill all the others -some materials like the wood looks brand new and some others like thoses short pillars( in the angles to help to jump) looks like if they are directly coming from a ruin -if the map story explain thoses differences (old/new) it s ok but if not it can be nice to choose a "theme" and to accord all the materials & meshes to the theme
again the layout is top notch and what impress me with is that dodges, walldodges, doublejumps and all thoses UT classical mooves are perfectly adapted to UT3 and to ur maps
same feeling while playing rankin in ut2004....harmony!
thx for that other layout lesson, keep up the good work boyah!
ah yes i was thinking about change the jump pad is very ugly :P, and well i like the abuse of blue, but maybe ill change the postprces for make it not so intense(well for now, becouse im frustrated with the custo content right now :l), and well the history of the map pack can explain the mix of old/new... (i think xD) and THX man!
From the updated shot, I'd say two things : The sky is worst, imo. The old one was bright, but it gave a nice contrast between his yellow color and the light blue walls. The grass don't grow as easely on the rock than on the mud.
[Knowlage is power]Sinéad, for the first time, life is gonna turn around...