According to Liandri records, Amyrade is a space station built by a very intelligent & very technologically advanced unknown race. There is no explanation why this race got rid of their station? Today, it is used by Liandri who advertise deadly tournaments! However, despite the many tournaments, Liandri robots remain to this day the ultimate winners. These robots are the pride of Liandri which some of their top fighters are displayed on few digital monitors. Are you ready to face them?
Selon les archives de Liandri, Amyrade est une station spatiale construite par une race méconnue très intelligente puis technologiquement très avancée. Il ni a pas d’explication à savoir pourquoi cette race s’est dépourvue de leur station ? De nos jours, Liandri y tient des tournois mortels ! Toutefois, malgré les multiples tournois qui y s’évissent, les robots de Liandri demeurent à ce jour les ultimes vainqueurs. Ces robots sont la fierté de Liandri & on peut, par le fait même, appercevoir des images des meilleurs combatants sur les moniteurs digitaux. Etes-vous prêt à les affronter ?
Screenshots Sept 24th(previous RC1 pics)
This is a small size, simple map which I focus on having fun with brushes. By making this map, I impose myself some restrictions to see what I can possibly achieve. Those restrictions are :
The map must be 100% made of brushes. This is a first for me after few, heavy meshed finals maps!
No static meshes allowed except pickups, jumpads, movers & teleporters
No terrain allowed
A skydome OR a skysphere is mandatory (which is the unique deco static mesh)
All materials must meet UT3 visuals. I mean, using materials based on HD textures with normal maps + detail normal maps
Everything like PostProcessing effects, particles, emitters, heightfog, decals, etc can be use to add dept & atmosphere
The features:
- The map use a sci-fi, techy theme with 100% custom materials which I made all from scratch coming from mostly custom textures - Custom music, the track is ‘CrashTC’ coming from my UT99 GOTY edition - A techy female announcer announce the Bezerk availability - The map as been optimized for TDM
héhé looks very interessant but honestly i cant say anything about the eyes just can distinguish one brush from the old eyes here :-p D/L imediatly ...need to watch that
yo steve i just tryed it after my daily bsp work on napaliretreat and i must say that i m impressed, i like a lot ur bsp style, even untextured....not the same to localisate me in the map...pure pain untextured and "unlit"
i like a lot thoses small corridors, having them walkable is top
the layout allow nice mooves and is visualy solid
what i like less:
-too many portals to my tastes, makes the gameplay confuse and with a lot of players it a big russian roulette party and gives randomly body collisions and death, with the ammount of jumppads that u have imo 2 portals leading to eachother are largely enough
-no way to escape from this place only that ramp...whot a trap!...with all thoses portals and jumpads all around.....nothing here???!!+.+
-the teleporter and the jumpad are really close to eachother, perhaps mooving the portal here can be more logical
-dunno why i had the feeling that a teleporter from the bottom level leading here can add some fun
-no idea why u have this empty area playable? it lead nowhere and have nothing to bring to the player (no item, no portal...nothing :-p )
nice start, thx for sharing, keep up the good work....bsp rulzzzZZZZ!!!
Well the map is made for 8 players max, more than that, it's a frag fest ! I test against 4 - 8 adept bots, more than that, isn't fun.
For teleporters, you only have 2 ways, which I found not to much giving the map size.
The KEG spot as only 1 exit on purpose, I like the risk vs. reward there, this is why that area as a worthy item with only that exit, you must be quick to get out of there ;) But if you have another exit suggestion, go ahead :)
The sniper spot you show in the pics is a untouched walls. Like I said in the first post, many spots aren't been touched yet. I want the sniper spot to be at risk, the only way out is to jump down so if the player want to snipe, he won't get out quickly by a door / teleporter nearby.
The other spot will have a damaged / non working door later. The main purpose is to add a bit more room in that area or else it feel boring / squeezed.
The teleporter near the jumpad is something that bug me a bit, perhaps I'll move it deeper so when you spawn you clearly see the jumpad because now, it's facing the ramp in front & is symmetrical with the layout. Perhaps, I can move the teleporter to the door near the KEG where there is the other inactive door under the ramp ?
THX m8 :D
Stevie's corner A blog dedicated to UE4, UDK, UT99 / 2004 / III / 4.
- Add a way from the flak to the sniper, something like a gravity volume like in Station12 because I mess around with a jumpad yesterday but it's not very obvious & doesn't flow right for the moment.
- I already move the teleporter near the jumpad in Blitz pic # 3 to the end of the corridor in Blitz pic # 5. My gameplay /flow are better with that setup :D
Stevie's corner A blog dedicated to UE4, UDK, UT99 / 2004 / III / 4.
First impressions were wow cool and detailed brush work
Ok, trying to find the problem mode:
Mostly good, flow seem good, labyrinthian enough so you takes a while to learn. I have to agree with Blitz about the numerous jump pads and teleporters. So some of my suggestion focus on this but its your map and I respect your decision.
I have reservation with the beserk and the keg are too close imo. I understand you did this on purpose, but I'm for the two powerup not being in the same hands or at least not that easily.
In an effort to lower the number of teleporters:-
To provide more options provide two alternaive jump target for each jump pad. And perhaps a curved stairwell instead of the teleporter.
To increase the accessability out of the Keg room: As an alternative to full sinking Perhaps half sink the pad so both levels have ready access.
- The keg is not deep or risky enough. I feel it should be exposed from several angles with a challenge to get out. This is true for all but 2 entrances which give a straight line to the exit.
You have a nice sky pity we cant see more of it (personal preference ofc). As you have the bersrk just beneath the sky window I though the bersrk must be getting its enery from a star light lense. (please pardon the wacky idea).
Shaping up to be a great, tight, visually spectacular DM.
Excellent my dear Achernar, many suggestions I can apply
I appreciate your efforts to lower the number of teleporters / jumpad dude & I'll try many things you suggest. I love your "find problems mode"
I will also make the basics ramps in pic # 4 use the same geometry as the other longer ones. So they will use a more tech look instead of that flat look I just got an idea for the KEG placement that I'll have to try out
The sky will be more visible. I intent to open the map a bit more so you can see outside. After all, that place will be some sort of space station. The material look like crap when I apply it on the skysphere SM, dunno what I'll do about that yet
I'll intent to make really neat computer controls pannels as long as great lookin glasses.
I'm happy you like the soundtrack!
THX again m8
Stevie's corner A blog dedicated to UE4, UDK, UT99 / 2004 / III / 4.
Glad to be of help. Those techy ramps sound like good idea. The sky dome material isnt perfect but a few small windows might not bee too bad. Been wondering how to make a good star field so if learn anything I'll let ya know.
Your computer control panel sound very interesting. Look forward to your next release.
- I finally replace the skydome SM by the skysphere SM & the material look as good after some testing. - I add one of the floor material & also 2 walls materials I will use the most. - I replace 2 flat ramps + 1 jumpad with 3 more techy ramp. - I start to build a path using a lowgravity volume from the Flak to the Sniper spot which work ok now but need to finish the geometry. It will be some sort of magnetic field generator. - I reduce the skylight lighting & add PP effect to get a early feel.
You can try it & tell me if you like the layout & the music
-- Edited by stevelois on Wednesday 19th of January 2011 05:16:25 AM
Stevie's corner A blog dedicated to UE4, UDK, UT99 / 2004 / III / 4.
I have a big issue concerning a lift. First time it does that & I dunno why ? I make lift since my first map & this issue never occured before so that is why I make this post.
I build the BSP Convert the BSP to a SM Convert the SM to a Intercaptor Made the kismet sequence without any issue, it work fine. When I add the liftCenter actor & associate the intercaptor, you can see the liftcenter is attached to the intercaptor like it supposed to be.
The issue is when I rebuild the path, the attachement dissapear & get an error saying the lifCenter isn't attached to a intercaptor ??????
I try few things without success, any ideas ????
Stevie's corner A blog dedicated to UE4, UDK, UT99 / 2004 / III / 4.
I don't know from where it is from, but I can't play or rebuild your map in editor. The map opens itself normally, I can navigate trough it, but nothing more.
Maybe the file was corrupted during the DL. So I wait for the alpha2 .
btw nice layout, too many brushes for me, looks like a Cr4zyB4st4ard's map in wireframe view.
[Knowlage is power]Sinéad, for the first time, life is gonna turn around...
Happy you like the layout but I'm surprise you found there is to many brushes since it's only a medium map & I didn't really add extra trimming yet nor detailed surfaces ?
Stevie's corner A blog dedicated to UE4, UDK, UT99 / 2004 / III / 4.
I try several things & nothing was working after a path rebuild
- I delete all liftexit-center-jump etc actors. - Add only the liftcenter, rebuild & it was fine ?????? - Add liftexits, rebuild, again, fine! - Add liftjumpexit, rebuild & again, it's fine!
WTH damn it
Now there is 2 lifts working like it should. Even low level bots do the liftjump, I'm happy
Stevie's corner A blog dedicated to UE4, UDK, UT99 / 2004 / III / 4.
Glad to hear you sorted it out. Funny how the engine does that sometime. I wonder is it more brittle than other engines or is this just par for the course.
Well, it's completely nonsense to me, I can't get any explanation tbh.
But anyway, I'm working on Fatima now & in the meantime, this is the change log :
- I replace the skydome SM by the skysphere SM. The material took ma a good time to obtain that look. - I add one of the floor material. - I add 3 wall materials. Those will be the most used. - I replace 2 flat ramps + 1 jumpad with 3 more techy ramps, like the ramps from the stinger - link gun. - I Add a path using a lowgravity volume from the Flak level to the Sniper level. It is sort of magnetic field generator. - I add some blocking volume herer & there for better flow. - The teleporter close to the jumpad that lead you to the Bio as been moved at the end of the Bio corridor. - The jumpad beneath the Bezerk as been replaced by a lift. You can liftjump to grab the Bezerk :) - The jumpad that lead you to the Bio as been replaced by another lift. You can liftjump to land on the Shock platform :) - I reduce the skylight lighting & add PP effect to get a early feel.
THX to you & couzin Blitz :)
Stevie's corner A blog dedicated to UE4, UDK, UT99 / 2004 / III / 4.
I don't know if you're looking for feedback on the textures yet, but anyway there's too many dark textures also the black/white texture (bottom right in the latest screenshot) looks too busy for my eyes, other than that it looks like the beginning of a great map.
Haven't played it yet but I'll probably wait for Beta version, I'm not much of an alpha tester :)
well is very difficult for me, give it a council, because you are really professional and I liked the design very much, so there's the only thing I do not like:
- this is a small map, but very open, it makes hitscann weapons too powerful. with the bots maybe u cant see this detail, but if ur in a 1v1 or a small DM with good players if you stand on the spot of the bersek with a stinger+ Berserk, you can kill all players in 5 seconds, because from there you control the entire map.
-my suggestion is quite radical, and is remove or replace the estinger for other flak or linkgun, and remove one of the ammo of the sniper rifle.
I don't know if you're looking for feedback on the textures yet, but anyway there's too many dark textures also the black/white texture (bottom right in the latest screenshot) looks too busy for my eyes, other than that it looks like the beginning of a great map.
Haven't played it yet but I'll probably wait for Beta version, I'm not much of an alpha tester :)
Well, about the materials, I intent to use many dark textures indeed.
My goal is to build a techy space station with a limited amount of light.
But you will have a better idea with the next release :)
Stevie's corner A blog dedicated to UE4, UDK, UT99 / 2004 / III / 4.
well is very difficult for me, give it a council, because you are really professional and I liked the design very much, so there's the only thing I do not like:
- this is a small map, but very open, it makes hitscann weapons too powerful. with the bots maybe u cant see this detail, but if ur in a 1v1 or a small DM with good players if you stand on the spot of the bersek with a stinger+ Berserk, you can kill all players in 5 seconds, because from there you control the entire map.
-my suggestion is quite radical, and is remove or replace the estinger for other flak or linkgun, and remove one of the ammo of the sniper rifle.
but well is just my opinion obout the gameplay.
PD: is on alpha and is awesome D:
You make a good point there :D
I know what you mean about the stinger (I play 1on1 on it once in a while against 1 bot in god mode) but I want all stock weapon in this map so since it's a small map, wherever I place the stinger, you will end up with it in the end mixing it up with the bezerk.
THX for the compliment also :)
Stevie's corner A blog dedicated to UE4, UDK, UT99 / 2004 / III / 4.
stevelois wrote:If you have comments, it's the time because I prefer to have them before I alter the layout to much.
TBH, the only issue I have left is the KEG spot which I would like to make it better but dunno how ?
Just so I can state my peace....
Overall, I really am liking the size and "look" of the map (even with the default material).
I am a bit surrpised you are using teleporters!
I am sort of surprised you have so much detailed brushes (especially for an alpha) given that most BSP heavy maps rely on textures to provide details.
The hallway near the link gun is really steep.
The exit from the Keg area is a bit odd. When you go up the first ramp, you alsmost run into a wall (flow issue). Then there are 3 very different exits right in one area, which I think would be better if they were spread around. There is one other ramp you can use, but it's a much longer route.
I have a concern that there might be too many small BSP that catches the player given the amount of detail brushes, but only time will tell.
I am not a big fan of jump pads that send you back (unless it's very clear) or that they will be replaced by lifts?
There is one jump pad that takes you straight up to the shock rifle. It sits on the edge of very small wall, which looks like you can jump up to the jump pad, but really you can't. Kind of frustrating.
There are 3 health vials placed in a "window area" that you can barely make with a double jump. I think if you can double jump up to something like this, you should have a bit more room to make it.
When you exit a teleporter, you shouldn't have to make a quick turn left or right as this throws off the flow.
To me the Keg area works fine. It's a bit odd you can jump straight down from the Berserk, but that might be a timing issue. I think the maain issue (inho) is the exit. You shouldn't have 3 areas to go from one spot. The teleporter is the biggest issue as it takes you to another part of the map. I think getting rid of the teleporter and jump pad would balance things out a bit more.
Great start to what I am sure will be a great map.
stevelois wrote:If you have comments, it's the time because I prefer to have them before I alter the layout to much.
TBH, the only issue I have left is the KEG spot which I would like to make it better but dunno how ?
Just so I can state my peace....
Overall, I really am liking the size and "look" of the map (even with the default material).
Great !
I am a bit surrpised you are using teleporters!
Me to LOL
But I want to make things different from my regular maps by using more than 2 teleporters & also 3 lifts & few jumpads.
I am sort of surprised you have so much detailed brushes (especially for an alpha) given that most BSP heavy maps rely on textures to provide details.
Well, I want to obtain a specific look by playing with the brush tool instead of trying to make complex shapes like I use to do with mixing SM. I Will rely on shapes & good looking materials instead of detailed SM.
The hallway near the link gun is really steep.
Yeah, I know, but I like the fact to be in the link room & trow some RL grenaded in there.
The exit from the Keg area is a bit odd. When you go up the first ramp, you alsmost run into a wall (flow issue). Then there are 3 very different exits right in one area, which I think would be better if they were spread around. There is one other ramp you can use, but it's a much longer route.
It as been fixed
I have a concern that there might be too many small BSP that catches the player given the amount of detail brushes, but only time will tell.
I am not a big fan of jump pads that send you back (unless it's very clear) or that they will be replaced by lifts?
Yep, 2 are replaced & the one that send you to the shock will be also. I'm working on it
There is one jump pad that takes you straight up to the shock rifle. It sits on the edge of very small wall, which looks like you can jump up to the jump pad, but really you can't. Kind of frustrating.
Will be fixed with a small lift
There are 3 health vials placed in a "window area" that you can barely make with a double jump. I think if you can double jump up to something like this, you should have a bit more room to make it.
When you go out from the small room where is the medium health, double jump on the edge & double jump again on the vial spot. Or jump down from the shock spot to grab them
When you exit a teleporter, you shouldn't have to make a quick turn left or right as this throws off the flow.
Yeah but I dunno how to place the teleporter otherwise
To me the Keg area works fine. It's a bit odd you can jump straight down from the Berserk, but that might be a timing issue. I think the maain issue (inho) is the exit. You shouldn't have 3 areas to go from one spot. The teleporter is the biggest issue as it takes you to another part of the map. I think getting rid of the teleporter and jump pad would balance things out a bit more.
As for the KEG spot, it's the exit that bother me. Maybe my imagination will serve me well another time, dunno. But the Bezerk & KEG don't appear at the same time, a chance! The teleporter are very handy, depending of your play style
Great start to what I am sure will be a great map.
THX, I'll do my best
Stevie's corner A blog dedicated to UE4, UDK, UT99 / 2004 / III / 4.
Yeah, I like # 1 & 4 the most but # 4 a tad more. I may use one for the lift & the other one for the jumpads?
I didn't include it in the pic but I intent to make a door frame with glass inside the exterior frame you see & since it will be made of several brushes, I doubt I'll keep the 2 models? Time will tell :)
Stevie's corner A blog dedicated to UE4, UDK, UT99 / 2004 / III / 4.
- I open the floor but just leave a small ramp-like all around the floor so you can walk (like 64 uu's). The hole is shown by the red lines. if you fall, you die in space...
- I connect the lower door with the upper one near the flak (yes the teleporter as been removed).
- I move the keg at the end of the corridor.
What do you think about that idea
Stevie's corner A blog dedicated to UE4, UDK, UT99 / 2004 / III / 4.
From your "drawing', it looks like the only way to get the Keg is go into the corridor that you will create along the green lines/arrows? There won't be much flooring in the current area to actually get to the keo.
I think the biggest issue (right now) is that you can go up to the ramp and have 3-4 ways of getting out. If you just had 1 route (maybe the new tunnel through that follows the green lines/arrows, that would be risky enough.
This is especially true if you leave the keg where it's now and the playerr has to run through that tunnel before everyone shoots and kills him. I actually like that little area down there to fight in.
Well, I would normally use MIC but in this case, I must use individual mat because there are various settings & added / less nodes in all of them.
The textures I use is a mix of Halo & Nobiax textures.
Yep, basically, this is how it will look like when the map will reach final because I intent to use those PP settings Remember, the lighting is basic atm.
The material there isn't pulsating. While it would be nice, it would be to distractive since those walls are rather big. Therefore, there are other spots I intent to add that fonction
Stevie's corner A blog dedicated to UE4, UDK, UT99 / 2004 / III / 4.
Is there actually some blue point light actor in front of the blue material pillars? it seems not, I would put its with low radius to increase the color scheme & contrast here.
Just wanted to clarify what I mean by pulsation. I think the correct term is 'emissive flicker' as seen in HU light generator and ASC wall light 03 (from memory).