stevelois wrote:Yeah, screens look good indeed & will take a 5000$ PC to run the game in "low" quality LOL ROFL you're right
anyway FarCry is a good game, the first opus was really an adventure to ending, some good souvenirs ;)
yeah far cry ftw! and crysis....OMG!...this still the reference PC game/bench for me; the "very high" GFX settings are so ULTRA....each time i have upgraded my PC i reinstall CRYSIS to see how the rig can handdle it....if the AIM hitbox/hitscan wasnt so bad i had say that this is the best game i saw....CRYSIS2 should be more conventionnal and will probably not hit the same ultra-quality standarts it s planed to be multi supported (ps3;Xbox & pc)+ CRYSIS failed because it wasnt fun on 90% of the existant PC...too much demanding! where Epics failed too i hope the cryengine will not stole the throne this time...this engine probably looks very good too ....especially on the shadows/reflections
dont be wrong bro; Crysis isnt more demanding than UT3 on middle GFX settings with a decent GFX (8000gt or equivalent) and a decent cpu(quad Q6600 or similar)u can play it on "high" settings and the result is awesome....but...if u decide to set it on "very high" the jump is spectacular and here u need a stratospheric RIG to play it; but visually nothing comparable exists....even imagine 4 years back in time...was quite ROFL....noone was abble to run it except some 10000$ experimental PCs what proove that they wasnt wrong on doing such a "very high"setting is that for peeps like me Crysis still the ultimate & best bench to mesure the power of ur rig....
I am a fan of the Crysis game (played the demo probably 20 times!). At the time, my rig could handle on low settings, now it can probably do high. Crysis Wars/Warhead, they seemed to make a better engine and the game ran better.
With Crysis 2, I still think it will set the standard for "OMFG" graphics. Since it's going to be on multiple platforms, they will have better scalability.
I will buy it for the SP, but hope the MP is better than the original (i.e. more team play aspects to it).
As for the original, they wanted to set the bar and have a game that you could play years later and say "This game still looks good". I think they succeed!
I have never tried Crysis 1 SP, I did play quite a bit of Crysis Wars with a couple of friends though. Honestly though, I hated it, got my ass handed to me each game!!!
Might try Crysis 1 SP and Crysis 2 someday though.
just tryed Crysis on very high settings; i had to reduce my CPU oc from 3.5 to 3.4....ROFL the Cpu was on the knees and gived me a blue screen, wanted more like a charm at 3.4ghz....cant find words to describe visuals with FPS over 65..:p....superb! from far the best visuals on lighting ,reflections and shadows....i m quite upset, i knew it was high level but it s really higher than expected
@thrallala: i have play wars & warhead and honnestly if the aiming was improoved the GFX level isnt the same; less demanding on the RIG side but definitivly not so ultime the story in Crysis 1 is not bad and i had lot of fun while playing it
@ode: lol...i know another dude that played the demo 20 times too haha^^ i think Crysis 2 will be a lil less ultra on the GFX side ; it s coming out in march and it had be a miracle to get such level of details on existant consoles in 5 month; though if they reach the level of crysis warhead it s also a win
about the CryEngine, it's true it's definitly the best engine, and the CryEngine 3 will be again far more advanced than the other, and it will include true 3d stereoscopic, next gen are on walk...
If it's such a good engine, how come no games besides Crysis and Far Cry uses it while most games use Unreal Engine?
I do however agree that CryEngine beats the graphics of Unreal Engine.
Just because it's the best, doesn't mean it's the friendlies one to use. Also, from what I remember reading, Krytek (sp) didn't just want to liscense it to anyone, but don't ask me why. They wanted to liscense it to people who were trying to make something really cool.
I reckon it will scale down to slower spec PC's a lot better than their previous engines. They learnt their lesson with Crysis and the fact they took the series into console teratories means the engine has to run on older hardware. Crysis got a good performance increase when it went to patch 1.2. Next look at FarCry 2 which runs very very nicely(well on Nvidia hardware atleast).
For now I give permission to Bl!tz to claim bragging rights for having no fears running this on his shiny new PC! Eventually when I get my 460's then I shall brag to.
I reckon it will scale down to slower spec PC's a lot better than their previous engines. They learnt their lesson with Crysis and the fact they took the series into console teratories means the engine has to run on older hardware. Crysis got a good performance increase when it went to patch 1.2. Next look at FarCry 2 which runs very very nicely(well on Nvidia hardware atleast).
For now I give permission to Bl!tz to claim bragging rights for having no fears running this on his shiny new PC! Eventually when I get my 460's then I shall brag to.
lol^^....and now it very hard to concentrate on gameplay... i surprised myself jumping on stones just to watch the moon casting my shadow on the white sand under the sea....all that onduling under the surface vawes influence realistic...
i understand now why they told that they ll not redo the same mistake and not doing Crysis 2 in tropical environment...cant imagine how complex it was to get all that geen luxuriant vegetation animated...consoles cant handdle that kind of things imo
yep, Crysis is definately beautiful..and better looking than FarCry2. Good ta hear you're re-enjoying it all over again!
Far Cry 2 was done completely by Ubisoft. They bough the rights to that title, which gave Krytek extra money to develope their engine. Me wonders if Far Cry 2 even used a Kry engine.
Far Cry 2 was done completely by Ubisoft. They bough the rights to that title, which gave Krytek extra money to develope their engine. Me wonders if Far Cry 2 even used a Kry engine.
about the engine of far cry 2, it's name is Dunia Engine effectively dev by Ubisoft montreal but based for the most part on the code of the CryEngine used for Far Cry dev by Crytec.