Diesalot wrote:BTW what site do you use for your materials? In this case, the texture wall is the a stock one modified (a hard time on it to obtain a result close to what i wanted !), other are stock ones with littles modifications too ;)
Otherwise I usually use textures from others games (ut2k4, swat4, pariah, FEAR, doom3, etc...) that I modify a bit lol
Anyway, material editor is your best friend !
-- Edited by NOVA on Thursday 8th of July 2010 06:00:51 PM
At first, when I saw that high amount of health, I thought it would be good for 4-6 players. Still knowing my beloved French cousin tend to overload is map of health I thought it would be way to much.
Well, item placement is very good, nothing to suggest.
The only thing is that the amount of health is imo to much. Even playing against godike bots, I would prefer less health.
Just near the belt, there is 5 * 25 health + numerous vials... I would suggest at least to get rid of 2 medium health & the vials near the belt.
As for the rest, it's really well made my Seb.
White & clean materials for UT3 is as rare as pope ***. You did a fine job with your materials, I really like what you've done with that Liandri white wall material & the pipes. The grids & others are also great !
The lighting is top. Some BSP could have a shadows res of 1 since I can see the stairs effect. Since this is a very small map, I suggest you use that setting on some walls. ATM, it look like it is set to 2 - 4 or 8.
The exterior is also well made. Those moving lights on the buildings roof top is a good idea. Some color variety on from the building outside would be good. They're lighting is mostly all blue or yellow or white. Some gradients of those would look better.
There is no music ?
In all, great work my Seb, as always :D
Stevie's corner A blog dedicated to UE4, UDK, UT99 / 2004 / III / 4.
stevelois wrote:The only thing is that the amount of health is imo to much. Even playing against godike bots, I would prefer less health.
Just near the belt, there is 5 * 25 health + numerous vials... I would suggest at least to get rid of 2 medium health & the vials near the belt.
right, was based on the dm version so I'll remove those health
The lighting is top. Some BSP could have a shadows res of 1 since I can see the stairs effect. Since this is a very small map, I suggest you use that setting on some walls. ATM, it look like it is set to 2 - 4 or 8.
Yes, I would put 1 or 2 when map will be final.
The exterior is also well made. Those moving lights on the buildings roof top is a good idea. Some color variety on from the building outside would be good. They're lighting is mostly all blue or yellow or white. Some gradients of those would look better.
good suggestions, I will try to make some different materials for the buildings
There is no music ?
off course yes
thx for your beta test my cousin ;)
@ Dies, Steve has just give me some additional work on it so, no rush lol
Just gave it a proper run through and have some thoughts.
Overall, I really like the new look of the map. It has a clean futuristic look to it.
As for the weapon/item layout. For the most part it seems fine. But there are a few areas that seem to have too much stuff in an area. Mainly the areas with the 4 items around a center item (health surrounded by 2 link/2 stinger ammos). For a DM map, especially a 1on1 map, I beleive items should be spaced out as much as possible. to encourage constant movement.
I would grive the 'white stone floor tiles" and the "white futuristic material a proper physical material. It couldn't hurt with all of your cusotm materials as weapon fire also effects this.
The big digital sign on the wall cuts a bit through the camera when you are close to them. How about adding a small subtractive brush and place the panels inside the walls?
Some of the sounds might be a bit nicer if their minimum radius was a bit bigger. If you are moving fast, the sound starts and stops a bit quick for my taste.
I would possibly add a very faint "humming/buzzing" noise that can be heard through all of the map. You should really only notice it if nothing else was happening and it shouldn't effect game play.
I would consider replacing the black floor materials with something that matches the map a bit better. I like that they are darker, but since most of the map is custom materials, why stop not include the main floor.
I wonder if having a metal sound for the main floor makes it a bit easy to track players with your ears. I wonder if the glass or stone material might be a bit more balanced?
Most of my suggestions are more for polishing as the map looks really good plays very well also. Nice job man.
-- Edited by Odedge on Tuesday 13th of July 2010 06:35:31 AM
Odedge wrote:1... 2... .... I wonder if the glass or stone material might be a bit more balanced? Lot's of good points here Od, thx ! the only point I'm not shure to understand is what I have quote, can you explain me better what you would?
-- Edited by NOVA on Tuesday 13th of July 2010 06:10:19 PM
I have it downloaded and I'll play it as soon as ut3 is finished re-installing. I had a little problem when trying to install the crucible mod. I only wanted the weapons *sniff* why did it have to destroy my game? lol
"There is a fine line between Sanity and Insanity. Luckily I have White-Out."
Odedge wrote:I wonder if the glass or stone material might be a bit more balanced? Lot's of good points here Od, thx ! the only point I'm not shure to understand is what I have quote, can you explain me better what you would?
The metal footstep sound is easier to hear (in my opinion) that either the stone/glass sounds. You should be able to hear the other players walking, but it shouldn't be to easy to hear them.
If you added some general ambient noise, that might help.
Odedge wrote:I wonder if the glass or stone material might be a bit more balanced? Lot's of good points here Od, thx ! the only point I'm not shure to understand is what I have quote, can you explain me better what you would?
The metal footstep sound is easier to hear (in my opinion) that either the stone/glass sounds. You should be able to hear the other players walking, but it shouldn't be to easy to hear them.
If you added some general ambient noise, that might help.
Look here Odedge you wanted footstep sounds and now everyone here is making sure we have them...
Odedge wrote:I wonder if the glass or stone material might be a bit more balanced? Lot's of good points here Od, thx ! the only point I'm not shure to understand is what I have quote, can you explain me better what you would?
The metal footstep sound is easier to hear (in my opinion) that either the stone/glass sounds. You should be able to hear the other players walking, but it shouldn't be to easy to hear them.
If you added some general ambient noise, that might help.
Look here Odedge you wanted footstep sounds and now everyone here is making sure we have them...
This may be an OCD...do you have a therapist???
I'm thinking 99.9% of dedicated mappers have OCD of some sort ..
Then again i'm thinking about 80+ % of the entire population has it in one form or another .. (it just manifests in different ways) so with some its more evident than others. (This is a blanket statement and isn't directed at anyone specifically and certainly not pointed toward anyone in our group)
Now on the footsteps ..
I'm wondering with his thing with sound if he is an audiophile as well and why he isn't remixing tunes and such or something alone those lines ..
Odedge (I left an easter egg in CTF-Maellstrom for ya) There is a footstep sound you have never heard (maybe no one has) i figured it out though (how to ad a step that is hidden with-in the engine) and if you jump/walk on the rocks down by the stairs you'll see what i mean.
#uck the laser pointer .. I use a stinger mini-gun .......
note : every thing is ok for me, just miss the prev pic ;)
And me too. Well a bit more than "ok". The map is "looking good, walking tall"... "it's a lean mean fighting machine!". Very nice job my friend. lol, thx bro
Well, I didn't really see any bugs, but two small things.
* The lightcones from your orange floorlights, well they hit the wall and you can see that line they cause when hitting something, can't really explain it better than that. I'll get you a screenshot if you don't understand.
* The water material (used on the lower level, below the shield belt) looks a bit underscaled, could probably also look better with a custom made cubemap texture (not really hard to make in UT3).
Other than that, great map! I love the custom made materials and the layout is awesome!
Well, I didn't really see any bugs, but two small things.
* The lightcones from your orange floorlights, well they hit the wall and you can see that line they cause when hitting something, can't really explain it better than that. I'll get you a screenshot if you don't understand.
I see what you speak about. I would say I cannot do anything for that but after reflection, I think it's possible to use the "deep bias alpha" node in the material to avoid that, i will try...
* The water material (used on the lower level, below the shield belt) looks a bit underscaled, could probably also look better with a custom made cubemap texture (not really hard to make in UT3).
yep, you push me to go over my lazy behaviour, it's a good thing !
Other than that, great map! I love the custom made materials and the layout is awesome!
THX, lot's of time to create and tweak that materials lol
Not much to say except this map look & feel so completed, it's incredible
Good thing you reduce the number of pickups (mostly medium health) as I suggested, gameplay is much better in 1on1
I have some things I can suggest but you already enhance them with the previous pics you post. So only things left I can suggest are those :
- You have overlapping SM in the yellow circle. - The tall plants (red arrow) aren't as good looking as the one on the ground. Funny now you & Thrall use them since I publish my Fatima map. I suggest you use only them on the ground all over the place simply because they look better than those tall one & will help gameplay since less tall plant will block the player view.
The flat lights in the circle are good looking but they miss some kind of dark "rebord". They do have one but since it's pale, it's not apparent enough. A darker one would look better.
So water reflection + a complete ini & bang ! It's final in my book
Excellent work !
Stevie's corner A blog dedicated to UE4, UDK, UT99 / 2004 / III / 4.
Funny now you & Thrall use them since I publish my Fatima map
Humm, I don't want offense you but remember this map is based on DM-1on1-Katami published at least one year ago with this plants mesh already on it, so if you mean that stuff is a copy of your work, it's more than you copy me lol
The flat lights in the circle are good looking but they miss some kind of dark "rebord". They do have one but since it's pale, it's not apparent enough. A darker one would look better.
Ok, I see what you mean, I will try to work on it ;)
So water reflection + a complete ini & bang ! It's final in my boo
Excellent work !
THX a lot cousin !
-- Edited by NOVA on Sunday 22nd of August 2010 01:16:52 AM
This map is incredibly clean, possibly one of your best ..
The shadow work is awesome, the texturing is clean & crisp .. some serious lightmap resolution .. The meshing feels just about right, though i've found a few areas behind glass that feel like there could be a slight bit more deco / meshing / trim of some type .. (not too important just a thought i wanted to mention)
Absolutely love the indoor plant thing you've got going here ..
The only issue i've found that sticks out is it looks like there is some missing deco behind the HU_Floor2.SM.Mesh.S_HU_Floors2_SM_Grateset01B where the 2 pipe valves are floating & the water is running from them, you can also see from the grate above. (do i have an out-dated version? - i dl the RC2 AFAIK)
Great work bro .. this one is really polished nicely.
#uck the laser pointer .. I use a stinger mini-gun .......
It was already one of the top maps in the game Nova. Great job with the water which is about all i noticed from a quick look. Thanks from me. Your a very talented guy :)