He means the or the UnrealEd Goblin, also called BSP Goblin from time to time (I prefer BSP Goblin for example).
However, if you don't know who the evil BSP/UEd Goblin is, I can tell you the nice story:
At the beginning of the Unreal Engine, when the Engine God created BSP landscapes, AI and all the possibilities for the mappers, he also created the evil UEd/BSP Goblin (rather per accident) who is always hungry and prefers some BSP as a snack, so if you're not paying attention he walks around in your map to search for a nice place where he can eat some BSP. That's when BSP holes show up in the UEd - but not only that! The Goblin also likes apples as a dessert, so if you place too many apples into your map the Goblin will just eat some of them and make your map crash when you save it so that all your progress is "lost" (in other words: he eats your whole map). There are also some moment when he likes to place his solid invisible tent at some places of your map to hide there and eat some BSP, so that the players get annoyed of crashing against "an invisible wall" and the mapper starts raging.
The end.
Now you might think "How to recognize the BSP Goblin?"
the lil monster like to build invisible walls and have good laughs while watchin u crashin ur nose on em....or while watchin ur dubitative eyes after that...hahaha
Thanks, but I forgot to mention that the BSP Goblin has magic powers and can curse brushes! This happened to me in CTF-Deadlock some days ago: brush 257 cannot be changed anymore or the UEd3 will crash when rebuilding or even while saving! I can't remove anything from it or place zone portals in it either, the goblin cursed it! So you see... he is a real danger to our maps! :O
Hehe, thanks! Drawn from scratch on paper and then I drew it on my PC with my mouse and drawing tablet in about 1 hour + like 45 minutes for the colors. Was a quick one. :)
PS: Steering a bit off-topic, don't want to highjack a thread so... EFF, YEAH!
Thanks for the compliment! It was a quick one though, I could have done it better if I wanted to I have to admit that your map looks at least as nice as my drawing
Ya mesh work is outstanding with smartly placed little details that distract from the fact it's using stock asssets. Things like the striped material around the light fixture in the 1st pic, the light/symbols in the center of the crate X shaped meshes and the red trimming going around the walls, in 2 different levels in the last pic! I really like the meshing in the 2nd last pic!
There are many customs materials in those pics. The caution bars for example
It's not obvious to mix all those assets together to obtain that look & that is why it take me so long before releasing beta 1.
I apply different materials when the meshing is done (when I get an interesting shape) & choose the best combination of materials before selecting the right combination. The "X" shaped SM is en example. I use 3 different materials only for that SM.
I wasn't satisfied of some areas but now I am so that is why I post some pics.
Going back to meshing now
Stevie's corner A blog dedicated to UE4, UDK, UT99 / 2004 / III / 4.
While I took a break from it to work on Fatima, can you believe, I'm working on this map since December 2009 & by that time many of you as release several maps!
I wish I would like less the details so it wouldn't take so much of my time building something!
At least the result is rewarding for myself
Stevie's corner A blog dedicated to UE4, UDK, UT99 / 2004 / III / 4.
I think the left one looks more like a ceiling texture and would look better if the ceiling isn't meshed that much. But I do agree with Sly that the right one has more depth to it and looks nice. But because it's repeating so much, more meshing would help hide it.
I'd put my vote with the one on the right. Although it has a higher interval of repetition the long lines seem to fade out more due to the underlying pattern.
Therefore, the right material is made from the new set of Nobiax 1024x1024 textures (pack #10) which I greatly enhance by adding some stock textures to get rid of the tiling but can't obtain less tiling without complicating the material by adding nodes.
There is no bumpmapping at all in most of the materials I made because it consume to much resources so I play with the normal map instead. I use bumpmapping in rare case
I'm surprise some say the ceiling is meshed because for me, it's almost nude lol & I don't want to mesh the ceiling to much, at least not there.
I hope you will enjoy the beta & I'm happy you like the pics so far
This baby is my best work to date imo. Dunno if it's gonna be a "hit" because it's not a typical CTF map. After so many dev hours put into it, I hope everyone will like it for sure Today, it totalize 1.6 years of hard work. That's long !
Stevie's corner A blog dedicated to UE4, UDK, UT99 / 2004 / III / 4.
You spent so much time on this map as I on my Unreal tribute mod for UT2004 so far (and it's still not even half done lol It's basically an own game as a one man project hehe). Wow! :O
Don't worry Blitz, I have made worse mistakes the past days - like accidentally deleting a map. Thanks goodness I didn't delete it once and for all but just put it into the bin lol ^^
Just to be clear about what I posted, the left one would looke better if there were going to be few meshes on the roof, because it doesn't tile as much.
The picture above looks nice and the smaller tile material looks nice because it's darker and the tiling isn't as obvious.
In the other hand, I won't mesh the roof more, I found the material enough detailed as it is & since the map is heavy meshed, Unlike Nano, I want some part to be "light meshed". But I might add BSP trims with the time, dunno yet.
Stevie's corner A blog dedicated to UE4, UDK, UT99 / 2004 / III / 4.
Okay dudes, after almost 2 years of hard work you'll be able to play with it at last !
90% of my time went into meshing / lighting. I've obtain a nice overall map now so I'm at ease to share with ya bud's Some spots could be better meshing wise but you must know when to stop or else I'll never finish it.
Note that this first version contain the red side only BUT is fully playable, ence the RSO syntax
What I need to finish is :
- Finish some materials.
- Get rid of all known issues on the red side & duplicate it for the blue side.
- Finish BV / collisions in the center of the map when both side will be finished.
- Add preview pic + readme.
Check the first post, the link will be there in ±2 hours.
THX team
Stevie's corner A blog dedicated to UE4, UDK, UT99 / 2004 / III / 4.
Damn......... no one played at least once since yesterday
Well, I've decided to build the blue side & finish it. It took me like 18 hours just to duplicate the red side & after adjust everything ! I was hoping it would work without any issue because this map is really HEAVY !
I had to make many changes for the BV & collisions when both side reach the middle of the map & adjust many lights on the blue side.
It take 1.20 hours to perform a full rebuild, yikes
Now, I can say that I'm happy after all this time !!!!!!!!!!
So expect RC1 next week
I have many maps in the work & I'm working on them since to long for my taste so I'll try to get them out of my HDD soon. I feel that I have other games to play on PC & my PS3 & I'm less motivated to map for UT3 now knowing UDK is so much better.
Stevie's corner A blog dedicated to UE4, UDK, UT99 / 2004 / III / 4.
Damn......... no one played at least once since yesterday
Don't take it personally man and that's why you have to release on the weekend and give us some time.
I did play a round on Greed to get a feel for the map and was going to test it more this weekend. Given that it's such a detailed map, it would take some time.
Since you have duplicated the map and will have a RC 1 soon, I will wait. I didn't say any major issues, just a few small tweaks from my casual game playing time.
That being said, you have created a great looking map. There is a lot of nice detailed stuff to look at and the map flows very nicely both visually and game play wise.
I will go into more details when I do a proper test.
Also, 1.20 hours for a rebuild. HOLY SH!T (to keep with the Unreal theme)!
Sry for the delay dear Steve - this is such a detailed map and while i played several times - its alot to take in and most crits are pretty sparse, so the delay was directed towards posting something meaningful. (not sure I have though).
Wow, so many things to like in this map :) The style reminds me of a mapper Buzzwanno, particularly CTF-Stratus.
The layout is awesome, it flows so well. The rounded edges on many platforms added to this.
The music reminds of the score in the matix a little, it has that 'running music' that fits so well. Great choice from me All those little details like those emissive light emanating underneath the water. And all the detailing on the ceiling, walls and floors just ache 'cool'
I am hard pressed to find any real errors.
FPS is solid only dipping into the low 50s at the most busy areas. Bots seem to behave well. Weapons / ammo all seem balanced to my eye but I would chose either belt or super health. The Udamage seemed hard to find, perhaps some emissive lights or to help clue in to it location? Lighting /shadowing is good. The level is smoothly covered in sounds fx. However I noticed the central confluence with all the pipes has only faint to nil 'water in pipe' noises, which I had expected.
I like sky it's quite nice, however the panning stars seemed unintuitive (to me). Does that mean the planet is rotating/ moving very fast?
Well there is quite a bit of aggressive occlusion at the end of the map. When one goes for the redeemer -see pics. Before: After:
Its hard to improve on perfection...
Extras? -Shooting stars -Leaking pipes
Simply awesome. Thx for letting us try out your master piece.
-- Edited by Achernar on Saturday 15th of October 2011 07:14:47 AM
Well, THX both your comments, at least it give me your first impression
HOLY **** indeed LOL
I helped a lot Bazz at the time, doing private testing. When I' stared this map back in 2009, it was before he released CTF-Stratus. While he finished is map back then, I had started to mesh my level out with HU / Liandri assets. I decided to use many of the sames assets because I like the mix, still, I've gone trough my own meshing style. There are indeed familiarities since we use the same assets. Some meshing style is greatly inspired on some stock maps.
The music track is coming from the matrix. The original track last to long so I cut the part I don't think is important for me.
The panning star is just go give an effect, just to add something nice to look at with the story.
The occlusion as been fixed already, THX m8
Stevie's corner A blog dedicated to UE4, UDK, UT99 / 2004 / III / 4.
You have been so busy with map releases. I am wondering how long before a game company comes along and starts 'taking you out for dinner'
Your current map is a great testament to Epic to update their engine for UT3. If this is the sort of work that can be released with such an old engine it would be a big shame not to give back to their faithful community.'But this feels like a just a dream'
I'm not saying your map copies that author just the quality and theme share a common echo.
Well I guess I was right - I had heard that sound track before, just old enough so I couldn't place it :D
Ok I figured the stars had a story.
No worries, look forward to the full experience (RC1)
Very very impressive meshing on this one M8! I totally agree with the comments from Achernar!! I'm actually surprised it ran so well, so my hat off to you for pulling off the framerate with the amount of detail that you have in this!
Bots played very well and I'm hoping that once you've duplicated the blue side the bots will use the upper left corridor a lot more(left side while looking towards blue from the red flag). Otherwise, even if they don't it'll still make for some quite impressive gameplay. The game I played ended up in overtime which was great to see as it means bots on both sides seemd quite balanced!
I think you have quite a nack for CTF layouts M8!
Only issue I found was that if you go near the rocket launcher pickup and drop off the side of it's platform, next to the ramp leading up to the Red base. You can fall onto a concrete support just above the waterline without dying. Dunno if you intended this or if ya need a kill volume there.
Here's a pic of the spot below:
I also would like to know how to get to the Deemer.(if it's possible in this version)
Very very much looking forward to seeing RC1..well actually I'm itching to try it M8!
Well bud's, I'm very happy of your comments, THX for the kind words
Look like FPS is good on your rigs ! On mine, the average is 35-60 but my rig as 3 years old. A chance I optimized the map like a maniac
The spot you show me as already all BV in place. You can teleport back in CTF but can't do nothing in GRD There are various spots like that which CTF players can teleport back into the action, sadly not in GRD.
Greed specific (from my readme):
- When you play Greed, the skulls that falls into the sea will be teleported on the big platform in front of the waterfall since it's the neutral zone, representing the middle of the map.
- To grab the redeemer, you must use a mutator that will permit you to jump further. I suggest to use :
The 'Jump Mod UT3 Mutator' by Bob Gneu here: http://blog.gneu.org/software-releases/jump-mod or The 'Liandri Hacker Mutator' by Fraghouse here: http://forums.epicgames.com/threads/621520
I'll upload RC1 today, in ±3 hours
I'm looking forward Blitz & Odedge comments now
Stevie's corner A blog dedicated to UE4, UDK, UT99 / 2004 / III / 4.