Hi mate. Very nice map. I notice you used some UT2004 assets. I had the same problem with the materials. The palm trees material trys to tile more than it should and you end up with a little part of texture all around the tree branches. I fixed it by opening in photoshop and cutting out a small part of the alpha channel. If you prefer open IslandHop and copy the fixed material. Make sure its the SE version. Im having missing materials in your map also, but this has happened before and it was only my machine so dont worry about it.
Good job mate, hope it helped.
I actually tried to fix that before, but I didn't think of modifying the alpha map, I will steal the texture from you're map :), thanks!
@ Bl!tz, no worries. Thanks for the good words, I appreciate it :)
Thrallala, don't take my lack of comments as a sign of disinterest in this map either! This map is of very good quality and I check the thread whenever there is an update on it. I'll look at betas but aren't very thorough, like the rest of the guys here, and will only comment on what I feel are quite obvious things or will help out with any queries that I hopefully know the answer to.
I look forward to playing the final with my son!
-- Edited by Lord_PorkSword on Tuesday 17th of November 2009 11:01:21 PM
Ok, finished building some pipeworks or whatever :P
Flares are abit too big here, don't worry about that though. Next version (RC1) should be downloadable on thursday/friday. After that I will take maybe a week break before I start working on the map again, will do some bot testing and stuff.
-- Edited by Thrallala on Wednesday 18th of November 2009 04:31:37 AM
Ah yes, it did get abit bright, should be more like the last pic I posted.
@ Diesalot, I tried to steal your palm texture but the editor wouldn't let me open your map. Would appreciate it if you could provide a download link for that texture :P.
Downloading now, will give feedback by the end of this weekend. You said that you were going to take a "week" break from the map, so that gives me some time?
Downloading now, will give feedback by the end of this weekend. You said that you were going to take a "week" break from the map, so that gives me some time?
Yes :)
@ diesalot, I got the materials fixed but I didn't get them to move, but I'll fix that for next version.
BTW, I've read the posts on BU about the foliage on the ceiling. Personnaly, I like it and I really don't know why peeps are obsessed with "realism" in maps.
It's damn annoying, it's a game damn it ! If it look good & play well, the goal is reached.
I don't think you should change or add vines, it as this awesome mystical look & nice atmosphere.
Stevie's corner A blog dedicated to UE4, UDK, UT99 / 2004 / III / 4.
Plus why does the map have spawn zones in small rooms lol? the thought just hit me.
I thought spawning around the base for each team would be better but thats just a suggestion:)
The spawn rooms where mainly done for vCTF since these maps usually have their spawns in 2-3 areas. I will add 2 more spawn places, 1 near the stinger and 1 near shock rifle.
Did a quick 5 mins match so it ain't a lot but at least I notice some things.
Before I start, I wanted to say that it is a huge progress & I really like this version much more than the VCTF. Overall, it's a great map :D
I notice some things. For gameplay, I suggest you put the weapon inside the base & the health outside. It is very odd that the flak & the bio are apart in each corner of the base instead of being in dangerous zone like before. TBH, I really don't like that. Also, the hitsan weapon are in front of the base, so it's to much easy to kill the enemy from a distance, including the player that you see going collecting the flak & bio.
The shock & stinger have 2 ammo each. It accentuate camping even more. I already explain in your previous map what I think of putting 2 ammos near the weapon so no need for repeating.
The new layout is a good idea. Still, it feel naked & the center corridor isn't worth taking since the 2 others as much goodies. Only a couple of vials. I found the helmet placement unpractical. It's not advised to place that armor near the sniper since it supposed to protect you from the sniper, it's always recommended to place it at the opposite, in your case, at the ground level. The link is imo to close to the base & would fit better in the center of this room. I would personnaly switch the link with the flak.
Pipes are passing trough the grid. It need some kind of ring. The one I use in Nano for the lights on the wall would fit perfectly.
Overlapping mesh:
Culling is to aggressive:
The sounds source at this spot leave me to think it's coming from the trees. It would sound better if it come from above. Also, I ear some crickets in the day time ??? Please remove the crickets, it really don't fit the day theme.
The sounds near the.keg needs work, I hear a night frog, a very annoying looping day bird at the same spot. Trying to mix to much sounds is only confusing. I think you must focus of using some low ambient sounds inside the map with only a few spot with birds & those spots are the one you can see outside the map.
Keep up the good work :)
Stevie's corner A blog dedicated to UE4, UDK, UT99 / 2004 / III / 4.
Well Jonathan, I think the bad looking flare is an isolated issue because I'm the only one like that so far. Look like a video drivers issue & you can't do anything about that.
To fill up the 2 rooms where the flak / bio are actually placed. I would tend to put 1 medium health in the middle of the room with 4 wisely placed ammo on the corners and that time not to close to the walls because it doesn't flow well ATM (I forgot to mention the ammo placement in my previous post...).
Happy it help ya Jo ;)
Stevie's corner A blog dedicated to UE4, UDK, UT99 / 2004 / III / 4.
Here is my feedback on your map. Over all, it's a very nice map, especially the lighting. I did mostly a quality control test as I am not a CTF player. Let me know if you have any questions on what I typed. Good luck finishing it up.
The emitter mentioned in no. 13 on Odedges comments would probably be the fact that the emitter source location isn't in the players FOV. Crouching must be allowing the player to see the source.
1. I'm not sure if I want to fix this, players usually don't notice that kind of stuff. Also, as long as there's nothing that will block your elevator ride it isn't really that much of a problem
2. Yep, there will only be 1 ammo for the shock rifle/stinger
3. Strange footstep sounds is probably because there's a blocking volume there so people actually don't walk on the rocks but the blocking volume, I'll see if I can get it fixed.
4. see nr 1.
5. Ok, I will remove the Kegs, and yeah it is probably a bit overpowered in that area, first there's a 25hp then keg and then health vials :P.
6. Yeah I also noticed this, but if I lower the brightness of the lights, all nice shadows are gone. Some meshes gets more brightness from lights than others :\, but I can probably reduce it abit here.
7. It is indeed a cut and paste job :P, I will probably make some changes to this.
8. Never thought of that, but I will fix it!
9. I use the white arrows to show people that there's a jumppad/elevator, might remove these.
10. Will see what I can do.
11. Yes it should, I totally forgot about that. Thanks for noticing :)
12. These meshes will be removed, I will see if I can change the settings of the palm materials so they get less bright.
13. I don't think I can do anything about that.
14. You're right, that sound should be removed.
15. The "S" is for Spawn, to show people that this is only a spawnroom and not another way to the base, but since I'm gonna have players spawning outside of these rooms too, I will remove the S symbol.
16. Hmm, I haven't noticed that while playing. I'll see what I can do.
-For the rocks that have the blocking volume, I believe you can apply a Physical Material to it (stone in this case) to add a specific foot step sounds to it.
-For the emitters, it might be a line of site issue where the player just doesn't see it when they are at certain spots. Or did you add a cull distance value to it that's fairly low?
Some pickup changes Removed some sound effects and replaced others Some postprocess changes Modified the palm bush material to recieve less light Removed some deco meshes, arrows etc. Added some more playerstarts, you can now start in the "spawn rooms" and outside the base. + Some more changes not worth mentioning / currently not in my memory lol.
I decided to keep the Keg for now, but I removed other health pickups near the Keg.
I have not made a new Preview screenshot, will be done for final ofc (next version).
Bots may need some tweaking.
Got some more culldistance crap to fix.
There will be a ReadMe file for final version
Before I release the final version I will also cook it for PS3 and make sure it's working there too, If you have a PS3 and would like to test it there, please say so and I will give you a link once it's finished.
For download link, check first post.
PS: The next version WILL be final. If there are any bugs in the final version I will only release another if the bugs are like uber serious. Final will be released in 1-2 weeks, but we'll see.
I played a round of Greed on it The only things I have to mentioned (besides my comments from the previous version) are...
1. The grass by the red flag base is sticking through the base mesh.
2. The floor light cones (in the hallways in each base), seem to be a bit tall.
3. The one water section I mentioned in my RC 1 feedback, still makes the player swim. Being that CTF layouts tend to be balanced, I didn't find a section on the opposite side of the map to balance this out.
4. I didn't look at the map in the editor, but now that I did, you should release "erase" all of the terrain sections that the player can't see. Just because the player can't see, doesn't mean the engine won't render it. There are enough sections of it that are under or behind BSP/mesh. Given the open nature of the middle section, every bit helps.
Overall, it's looking very good and good luck with finishing it.
i have try RC1 and RC2 tonite because i have a big problem with both versions: from 1 minute to last and on each place of the map i have an awfull fps average; 10fps to20fps with some little unsignificant jumps to 135 (but just a 1/2 second and back to that abbissal 10/15 fps) to be sure i have unloccked my fps limit and tryed several othe maps with a mini of 200fps quite everywhere (350 on my current CTF-Dolmens...250 on CTF-Football....etc...etc...) it s very weird , the beta 2 was running fine.....did u add some special "effects" or .....did i some wrong settings in video section of my game....annoying it s just unplayable....it looks nice but from the ed only ...lol^^
I didn't had the time to try the map this week. In fact, I've been sick for 3 days damn it & for the few time I was feeling ok, I didn't thought of checking rc2 out.
I'll try it out tonight. Now, I order a delicious pizza so after supper, I'll give it a try :)
Stevie's corner A blog dedicated to UE4, UDK, UT99 / 2004 / III / 4.
i have try RC1 and RC2 tonite because i have a big problem with both versions: from 1 minute to last and on each place of the map i have an awfull fps average; 10fps to20fps with some little unsignificant jumps to 135 (but just a 1/2 second and back to that abbissal 10/15 fps) to be sure i have unloccked my fps limit and tryed several othe maps with a mini of 200fps quite everywhere (350 on my current CTF-Dolmens...250 on CTF-Football....etc...etc...) it s very weird , the beta 2 was running fine.....did u add some special "effects" or .....did i some wrong settings in video section of my game....annoying it s just unplayable....it looks nice but from the ed only ...lol^^
Hey, sorry to hear that. While I have added some details and stuff, nothing of this should cause a fps drop like that. When I play it myself I get slightly worse fps in RC2 than Beta2, but only slightly. Anyhow, I can't really do anything about it since I have no clue what might be causing the issue.
@ Steve
Don't worry, I won't release the final version until next weekend or the weekend after that. I hope you get better, feeling sick sucks. Especially if it's for more than a day!
PS, I know I haven't done any testing of other maps from UOF members in a while. I'm away this weekend but I will get right to it after the weekend or so. Will have alot more time for stuff like this once Eternity is final :)
Thrallala wrote:Hey, sorry to hear that. While I have added some details and stuff, nothing of this should cause a fps drop like that. When I play it myself I get slightly worse fps in RC2 than Beta2, but only slightly. Anyhow, I can'treallly do anything about it since I have no clue what might be causing the issue.
ok the problem come from here ; i have try the map on second pc with same settings and i had from 40 to 130 fps....on a athlon64X2...omg!
it s weird because this problem appear only on your two RC versions and nowhere else....i have exactly same settings and same files installed on both PC.....WTF is that ****!!!!.....that other ****.....UT3.....oioioioio
I really love all the changes you made in weapons, ammos, healt, etc :D
I see the improvements here & there & I love it. Only things that look ugly is the crystals flare. I know it's not software related because I use my GF9800 GT temporary instead of my Radeon HD4870 & I use the last drivers version of both & it's exactly the same result. But anyway, It may be something hardware so I'll skip this. I notice that the culling in the center of the map is to much aggressive. From both base, I just look outside the goodies place & you can see that every is getting cull. It need to be less aggressive. I know about the FPS things, I learn that trough my maps but it's to much :
On the red side, you can see the gap there & the mesh in the corner is overlapping. There is also a weird sound in that area. It sound like a "cow". I'm sorry but It's the only thing I can refer to so I don't think it's the effect your searching for.
- This is the part that need more attention imo the on this map. While gameplay, flow, visuals are very solid, you give me the feeling you want to put to much sounds everywhere to fill the holes which you don't have any reason to do so in the first place. The background sound, the sweet bird sounds at the exterior of the map & few machine sounds in the middle is more than enough to really complete the soun aspect. Now, you have to much sounds in the middle of the map that don't fit the theme. I ear frogs & chipmunk near the center of the map... I also ear energy sounds on mushroom. I understand why you put that sound but it's not necessary & boosting the speed on some just to make some of them non repetitive is not required & sound more funny than magic.
I didn't look the map in the editor so in the pics below, this is where I heard the sounds. In the second pic, it's a bird sound that is annoying but I could spot from where.
In all, it's a great map but the sounds is what irritate me & I hope it will be fix for the final. There are some annoying sounds or those that don't fit imo you should get rid of.
Keep up the good work mate!
Hope that help.
Stevie's corner A blog dedicated to UE4, UDK, UT99 / 2004 / III / 4.
Strange, I never noticed the culling issues there. It's very obvious aswell as the background is VERY orange :P. But I will see what I can do!
About the sound effects, I actually thought I had removed enough for RC2, but then I played the map for 30mins and I too got annoyed by the sounds. Anyhow, I give you my word that it will be much better for the final version!
I'm glad you like the gameplay better now :).
Thanks a lot for the feedback steve, and the rest of you guys. I'm really glad I followed Steve's advise to come here instead of just completing the map on my own. You guys are the best!
Ok, I have fixed pretty much everything from the last suggestions. However I still want to do some more testing myself but I think it's safe to say that I will go Final sometime this week (probably even before the weekend).
PS: I'm still looking for someone who can test the PS3 version, if I don't find one before final I will still release the PS3 version but I won't be able to assure that it works.
PS: I'm still looking for someone who can test the PS3 version, if I don't find one before final I will still release the PS3 version but I won't be able to assure that it works.
I would PM eurreplayer23 in the Epic forums. He seems to be willing to test for the PS3 (he tested my Beyond Unreality maps). Also, if you have issue in cooking your map for the PS3, he is probably the best at making it happen.