Why this tutorial you may ask ? Simply because that weapon is not available in the standard weapon list. I did this tutorial since the Enforcer is IMHO a must & should be include in every map as well as all the other weapons.
1) Start the Editor, open your map & the generic browser (which should open by default).
2) Now add a weapon in your map. To do so, go in the generic browser, click on the tab Actor Classes & select NavigationPoint \ PickupFactory \ UTPickupFactory \ UTWeaponPickupFactory & close the generic browser.
3) Go in your map & by doing a right click, in the contextual menu, select Add UTWeaponPickupFactory at the future location of this new your weapon base.
4) Once the weapon base as being placed, make sure it is selected, in the Editor menus click on View \ Actor Properties or double-click on it, or simply press F4. Now, we want to choose a weapon, so expand the UTWeaponPickupFactory category (which may be already opened) You can now pick a weapon in the list to the right of WeaponPickupClass and choosing one of the weapon. I choose the 'UTWeap_Stinger’ for my example.
5) When your done, close the Properties, in the Editor menus go in Tools \ Add Pickup Light & after do a full rebuild by clicking the Build All icon. The new weapon base will have AI item number at this point.
6) By going in game, as you can see the Stinger is now available. Now, make sure that the Stinger is selected, in the Editor menus click on Edit \ Copy or simply hit CTRL+C on your keyboard.
7) Open Notepad (located in Start menu\Programs\Accessories). In the Notepad menus, click on Edit \ Paste or simply hit CTRL+V on your keyboard.
8) Do a search & search for Stinger. You should find a line with that information :
8a) Replace the word Stinger by Enforcer. When it’s done, select all the text, hit CTRL+A & after CTRL+C and close Notepad.
9) Return to Unreal Editor, the Stinger should be already selected, if not, select it, without clicking anywhere else, delete it & hit CTRL+V to paste the Notepad information exactly at the same spot.
10) Click the Build All icon again. Now, you have the Enforcer in your map, yippie !!!
If you edit the weapon Properties & check UTWeaponPickupFactory \ WeaponPickupClass, the field is set at ‘None’ since the Enforcer is not taking into account in the weapon base list. It's important to leave the field like that.
Additionally, since patch 2.0, the weapon pickup sound (the sound it does when you pickup the weapon) & also the weapon on screen text (the weapon name which is display when the weapon is taken) are working now.
Now, you have no excuse to not include this cool weapon in your map !
-- Edited by stevelois on Thursday 7th of January 2010 04:26:03 PM
Stevie's corner A blog dedicated to UE4, UDK, UT99 / 2004 / III / 4.