DM-Orbital Deconstruction "The Liandri foothold in sector 38 has been lost. Unable to keep the Krall infestation at bay, the Liandri have fled the system retreating to a neighbouring star sector. With their forward defence post decimated and stripped by the advancing Krall hive, the last evidence of their occupation is a sole crumbling orbital defence platform stranded amongst the local debris cloud. Scavengers now fight over the remaining technology despite constant bombardment from the local asteroid population which is slowly rendering the last evidence of the Liandri occupation to all but a memory..."
DM-Orbital Decay "The Liandri experiment has failed! Aboard a deep space research station in a remote star system bordering the outer region of their empire they constructed a highly advanced power core powered by a singularity. Originally more than a complete success, the radiating energy from the core mutated bacteria trapped within the rocky structure of the station into simple plant life spreading throughout the station interior. Realizing the potential the Liandri built a large scale version on a nearby planet hoping to begin terraforming experiments on a mass scale. The experiment ended in catastrophic failure...The singularity breached containment. Feeding off the planets matter it evolved into a black hole eating all matter within its grasp. With the prototype generator still operating within the research station, rival races have sent their best agents to secure the generator schematics buried deep within the computer systems before they are lost forever to the black holes gravity well...."
DM/CTF/WAR-Orbital Debris "Station E220602, forward assault and supply station for Liandri fleets in the vector quadrant. Originally its purpose was to fuel supply lines in the continual war against the Necris and Krall. Shortly after the partially constructed station went online a surprise attack by the Krall has left it decimated and in pieces. Scavengers from the nearby planet have landed on the remaining hulk of the station scrambling to grab any remaining fuel and munitions before the Krall, or the Necris, return to finish the station for good. Unfortunately for them the Liandri have decided to use the station as a testing ground for their new Titan technology...."
DM/CTF-Babylon "An ancient wonder from the old time, The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, inspired many to achieve the perfect meld of nature and stone.... Amidst the time of first contact with the Human race the Liandri presented a gift to the Humans. Gardens suspended in high altitude within the atmosphere of a gas giant in a star sector bordering the outer regions of our space. The Liandri recreated the legend of the Hanging Gardens in the most inhospitable of places, constructing machines to draw moisture from the atmosphere to keep the gardens alive for future generations. They created a place where one can enjoy this incredible human habitat that combines the high tech advancements of the Liandri. Over the decades since the great war the location of the gardens was lost. Now recently rediscovered, a feud between the races has erupted over control of this marvel. Will blood and bone now polute the pure waters from the constant fighting?"
"A lost Necris relic from the old times.... Found drfiting in the outer rim between molecular star factories and aging white dwarfs. The Liandri have claimed this relic for their tournament games. However the Necris have other ideas..."
This map is a modified remake of Juan Pancho 'XceptOne' Eekels map Flux and is based on Bl!tz's BSP shell.
"Always researching for optimum teleportation technologies, the Liandri have setup many research stations to improve and optimize their short distance teleportation infrastructure. Taking advantage of a recently discovered sleeping singularity the Liandri have built a teleportation platform to test the effects of teleportation through the quantum fluctuations emitted via the singularity. Test subjects need to take care that they are captured by the displacement field before they are torn apart by the singularitys gravity well!"
"Ice moon Liaro. Once a habitable planet for the early human space colonists who studied Liaros unique radiating crystals for their intriguing energy properties. A few decades ago a shockwave from a distant supernova knocked Liaros parent planet out of orbit with it star. Fortunately Liaro was in the shadow of the planet which took the full brunt of the shockwave saving Liaro from utter destruction. Drifting away from it parent planet, and star, Liaros climate has plummeted and the atmosphere has frozen solid burying the crystals amongst the ice. Four decades later an exploration team has begun restudying the crystals which have melted the nearby ice into a large cavern. Unfortunately for the exploration team and small Necris assault force has detected their operation. Sealing the cave entrance the Necris push on their attack!"
NOTE: This map requires a high end PC to sustain decent framerates!!
Gas giant Gadara! Ancient Krall texts describe a catastrophic event where a rogue exo-planet entered the system colliding with one of the rocky inner planets. The cataclysmic event sent fragments of both planets throughout the solar system. While most of the pieces ended up evaporating in the central star a minor portion bombarded the local system bodies with some getting caught in the gas giants gravity field. The unique magnetic properties of Gadaras core have interacted with the heavy elements of the planetary fragments suspending them high up in its atmosphere. The Liandri have used this effect to create a scenic battle arena to distract their opponents during matches! Combatants need to be wary of the Gadaras thick atmosphere which crushes all bar the strongest elements into oblivion!
Drifting in high orbit above planet Nexx an old defense platform slowly orbits its parent planet. A relic from the Necris invasion the station was a crucial holding point for the star system until it was heavily damaged and eventually abandoned. Forgotten for 100 years the station has now come to the attention of the tournament league. The battles may not be as fierce as the days of old but they are just as deadly none the less.
The Liandri may have lost their foothold in sector 38 many cycles ago but evidence of their occupation still haunts the sector. Another decimated defence platform endlessly orbits its parent planet waiting for its eventual demise from the local asteroid population which continuously bombards the remaining debris of this platform which once defended the parent planets population.
yeah I should resume work on that map sometime. I've tried a few times to rework all the BSP (which currently is quite a mess) and make it better but can't work out exactly what I want to do. Plus the map, as is, will only run decently on higher end PCs....
Just FYI - I'm starting on a small side project map with a concept that I've wanted to do for about a year now but never had the skill or map design to accomodate for it. I feel that I now have both. If the engine can do what I want it to do it should turn out quite interesting.
Looks like FileFactory is screwing with the map so I'll reup it! You can link the file on one or both if ya want. I'll edit this post once the file is back up!
EDIT: CTF link updated on 1st post!
-- Edited by Lord_PorkSword on Monday 23rd of November 2009 11:14:09 PM
Yeah, I thought of adding Epic link & UOF link but I want to put the link where you will end up to have the most positive feedback possible.
On Epic, there is more traffic, but there is also a big bunch of badass in the contrary of here where you have less traffic but only some smart fellows ?
Stevie's corner A blog dedicated to UE4, UDK, UT99 / 2004 / III / 4.
Filefactory send me in a mad loop rotation for a while.
I didn't click the link in time it expired, then every time i tried to return for a while it sent me in circles, closed Firefox completely cleaned cache / cookies and then it worked.
I think you need more mirrors - maybe ad mediafire to your list brother.
Hmmm, is this the same as orbital deconstruction? that map looks wicked sick!
#uck the laser pointer .. I use a stinger mini-gun .......
Admittidly I'm getting rather annoyed with FileFactory now. I've had a similar issue where it wanted me to wait 30 minutes rather than 30 I'd prefer to use FileFront but their uploader seems FUBAR half the time so I'll give mediafire a try!
I've been sneaky and have done a shameless plug for my Stable Orbit Starcraft II map!
- its all good man, we still think just as well of ya.
@ Uncle .. 1st. sentence should be "I didn't find it" ((something you already did - such as searching)) found would be used if you located it or said "I haven't found it yet" (or only if your still waiting for something to happen)
But when you say "I didn't" then you use find instead of found. (i know its a tricky one)
In your second sentence when you say "I just found it" (that was perfect / propper)
Edit /
Have i explained this properly? :eek:
-- Edited by 1xTrEmE on Saturday 14th of August 2010 05:01:11 AM
#uck the laser pointer .. I use a stinger mini-gun .......
All map links are now updated in 1st post! If the link is missing then I'm still in the process of getting the file organised! I'm also re-working the lighting of Babylon Night and will re-release it sometime!
Hey Bl!tz! The Facebook Nazi admins are forcing me to use my real name...was using the thread to prove that I mainly go by my tag these days rather than my real expected the tossers forced a change on my I gotta wait 60 days before I can change it back...
In other news I'm doing very well thank you! Currently unemployed and looking for work therefore doing a short course to learn modelling, and I'm very much enjoying it! :)
I'll post some pics of what I produce once the course finishes, in late October.
Hope you have been well yourself! You still driving trucks and enjoying the nice countryside views over there?
-- Edited by Lord_PorkSword on Thursday 6th of October 2016 01:37:22 PM
nice, modelling is cool, especially for mappers, it gives a unique touch to use your stuff in your map, you can go deeper in your job/work is sometimes good to "deflate" your head, especially after longs years of working
about the facebook feel better since i deleted my FB account, too much time loosen with this,the unfriendly feeling to have a big eye in ze back...but... i badly miss my old is so...choices
when i m not in "my" truck (got a good one now , a volvo ) collecting milk on crazy roads i try to spend as much time as possible with family, riding/driving quads, and having neverending discussions on life, future, politic and so many other are cool but.... they are like birds and will fly away one of theses i try to celebrate each minute
i ll be happy to see thoses picts about your stuff
salutations from wifey, kids and ze old uncle to all your family aussie bro