i try to grab infos on earthquake sequences and if someone have any link or info bout it ....thx in advance
the target is to animate a monster cannon on my last map; when someone push the fire button in the headquarter room the cannon enter in firing process and after 10 seconds sirens and progressive earthquake effect the cannon fire....the earthquake will symbolize the power accumulation in the cannon(charge)....
i want a big white light during the shot and a reedemer explosion on the target planet...
after the cannon have fire everyone on the map is hurt by 20 health points damage except the peeps in the headquarter room...do u think it s possible?
I'm pretty sure it's done via shaking the player camera(viewpoint). Maybe google that and see if you can track something down. I reckon someone made a map where the player camera shakes to simulate an earthquake. There's a thread here but it was never solved from the looks of it. Maybe have a look and it may give you some ideas of what to search for. http://forums.epicgames.com/showthread.php?t=598552&highlight=earthquake