if u plan to add custom maps to your game here is what you will have to do:
1)open your "User"/Documents/My Games/Unreal Tournament 3/ UTGame/
2)create a new folder and name it "published"
3)open your "Unpublished" folder
4)in "Unpublished" you have one folder:"CookedPC" ; copy it
5)open your "Published" folder and paste "CookedPC" there
6)open your ""User"/Documents/My Games/Unreal Tournament 3/ UTGame/Published/CookedPC/Custom Maps" folder. it's here that you will have to add the custom maps files.
7)UT3 custom maps habitually are zipped; use Winzip;Winrar or 7z programms to unzip them
8)after unzipping the UT3 zipped file you will have 1;2;3 or 4 files :UT3;UPK&ini; add them in your custom maps folder
Please can you tell me why i takes a very very very long time before Morpheus is loaded in Thunderland, i stoped with loading i thought i ask before i go verder to you.
I wait for your answer, i can play now UT3 i exept there is still one thing, when i write a lettre after click the T ( in the game) i hear nothing, normal when i type hi you hear a voice say hi.
That's all for this time, see you soon on UT3 or msn
1/ u have the card installed on your computer and u can join very fast
2/u dont have the map installed on your pc so when u try to join a server u have to download the map first a server is not done for that and the download speed is "light" the "broadband power" of the server is concentrate on the game more than on the download
to make the download faster ;servers use "redirect process": the maps are compressed and in a redirect database (gameservers)
last month the official ut3 redirect database have close down ;that mean that redirect is not working anymore and need to be "rebuilt"
that s why ; if u join a server with a map that is new to you; you will have to download it first
if u find the download too slow u must follow the instructions on the first post here in this topic; it show u how to install custom maps in yer pc ;this way no need to wait hours to download it direct from server
i hope this will help & good luck ;)
-- Edited by Bl!tz on Saturday 1st of August 2009 12:27:05 PM
right scythe and u save me with your "brand new ears".... lol....else every one had say that it was my old ears fault! with you having same problem ;the efficience of my ears cant be suspected ....muhahahahha ;)
-- Edited by Bl!tz on Tuesday 4th of August 2009 07:31:27 AM
yeah thx for pointing it mate...we changed the background color of the forum from black to this one and i had to edit all my posts to make them "readabble"...this one is gone through :p
I corrected some spelling on the main post. For example you wrote "if you PLANE to..." in the first line and I changed the plane to plan. A few minor errors here and there. Nothing big, but it drove me insane for some reason ^^
"There is a fine line between Sanity and Insanity. Luckily I have White-Out."