I'm stuck on how to end the trench level I started a few weeks ago. I have a beginning.. some sort of middle bit and the map was off to a flying start, but now I'm frustrated.. annoyed, kicking myself because I have no idea how to finish it. I had a rough version blocked out but it was so boring to play through I couldn't stick to it. I had to go meddling in my own affairs and change things. Now I'm so far off the original plan I have no clue how to get back. Do I just delete all the outside stuff and start again? Or do I try to work with what I have and carry on? At this point I may as well be flipping a coin.
All mappers I know, including me get blocked, out of ideas at a certain point in the mapping process.
A solution that work for me is to start working on something else than go back to the level few weeks later & then inspiration come back & new ideas take shape. No wonder why Citius took me 2 years to complete & other levels few months !
Good luck :)
Stevie's corner A blog dedicated to UE4, UDK, UT99 / 2004 / III / 4.
stevelois wrote:A solution that work for me is to start working on something else than go back to the level few weeks later & then inspiration come back & new ideas take shape.
Worked wonders for me .. I'd also ad that too many irons in the fire (like working on 4,5, or 6 maps at a time) was spreading myself too thin; that and RL kept me from finishing some projects that should have been better prioritized. So 1 or 2 projects (maybe 1 fun one on the side) was optimal for me.
P.S. don't feel bad Steve; i've been working on Rainbase for longer than 2 years now (starting and stopping) lol - its getting finished now though, no ifs ands or buts.
#uck the laser pointer .. I use a stinger mini-gun .......
I had this with another map recently, so I decided to work on the Vortex Rikers for a bit, got some ideas, went back to it and did what had to be done. Just do not shift from one map to another, this can be dangerous, hehe. :)
Well those sentiments are pretty common but apart from distracting one's self long enough for inspiration to strike again (in the same place as it were), I wondered if you could resurrect some iterations form the auto save location. That should leverage you some time getting back where you'd like to be.
If you'd just like a second opinion you can PM me the map I can give it a once over just and jot down some suggestions. If you do decide, please attach a few notes on any intended vision(s) you are between to help orientate me.
Alternatively seeking out inspiration on the net sometime helps too. Just a few quick ideas: