Hi guys. ThismapwillBepublishedinasmallmappackforthecommunityofduelersonxfire(http://www.xfire.com/communities/ut3duel/),well,likeamixofmyOthersmaps,ButIputmoreAttentiononthelayoutthistime,ihopeurscomments,thanks forthe attention(: VIDEO with some tactics jumps: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwrUsuB_2bk
Lol, bro that is an awesome video! I love mappers who can move! I didn't even think think the jump from sniper lift to the glass platform was possible... great jump. The jump pad jump is unique too. I like it a lot.
This is an awesome map. A worthy follow-up after Purgatoria.
For your consideration though...
Correct me if I'm wrong but I think you've still got some inconsistency with the trim work. Sometimes you have the orange on the wall side of the trim, and sometimes you don't. I think personally it's better to have the orange on the wall side so it really frames the openings no matter which way you look at it. It also looks better - I think that's why most people do it that way. Consider polishing that up before release IMO
I just played a round of 50 and here are my thoughts:
It seems you focus primarily on game play and the map doesn't dissapoint. It's a very fun map to play!
The bots were having an issue jumping up to the rocket launcher when other bots were on the upper platform.
While I like the blue rust/paint texture, there is something odd about how it's used in the map. I don't know if the scaling is too big or if there is no trim around it and it just looks a bit basic. Maybe both?
Some of the glowing "f" signs aren't aligned properlly (side to side).
There are some big steel pipes that are "cutting" into the BSP, bit it doesn't look like the BSP has room for it to be there.
I really like the yellow trim, which gives the map some color and visually defines the walkways and such. Though you tend to see the BSP edges too easily. Have you tried aligning the material in the same direction and/or lowering the lightmap resolution.
I think the lifts look a bit out of place. Keep in mind you can create a BSP brush, texture and convert it to a static mesh, which would work just fine for the basic shape.
Random though: Some of the meshes you use seem to conflic a bit in their "theme". You have some hi-tech stuff (digital signs) and som really low-tech stuff (human trash cans).