Seeing the recent discussion about the Duke 3D remake I though about creating a thread dedicated to remakes of old favourites!
Hexen: Edge of Chaos - Half sequel/half remake of the game Hexen. Demo available
Project Black Mesa - The fabled remake of Half life. Built from ground up to make good use of the source engine. Note: This is not the port that Valve done, but a proper remake. Unfortunately theres far and few updates but it appears they are still working on it!
Duke Nukem 3D Reloaded - Remake of Duke 3D - Thanx to Barballs for pointing this out!
Now if only someone would remake the original Unreal game! (insert shaking fist here) There's been a few comments about doing one but nothing ever got started from what I can tell!
-- Edited by Lord_PorkSword on Sunday 14th of November 2010 01:00:05 AM
Though don't thank me ;) I have ulterior motives (namely, me working on the project)
Regarding the Unreal remake It wouldn't be all that difficult. I'd suggest a UDK version of the first map up to the point you meet the first skaarj in that corridor. all you have by that point is the enforcer. something could take out of the UT3 content. As for the AI it could be lifted from Unreal 2.
It's no easy task but that alone would be proof of concept enough to get more people interested in continuing the work.