Here's a quik titorial for creating lifts. I'll skip the lift/kizmit part creation itself and concentrate on setting lifts up for the AI.
1. Have your lift setup. Either as a touch event, on a mesh, or a trigger volume.
2. Goto the Generic browser under NavigationPoint and select LiftCenter. Place this LiftCenter on top of the lift(the actual moving part) itself.
3. Goto the Generic browser under NavigationPoint and select LiftExit. Place this lift exit near the lift itself, but not on it. Think of this as a navigation point near the lift. The bots will run here then they will run to the LiftCenter object(hence onto the lift itself). Now in the LiftExit properties set 'MyLiftCenter' to the LiftCenter you placed in step 2.
4. Now place another LiftExitnear (not on!!) the exit part(where the lift moves to) of the lift. The bots will go up the lift then will move off to the new LiftExit. Now in the LiftExit properties set 'MyLiftCenter' to the LiftCenter you placed in step 2. Also tick bExitOnly if this is only an exit point for the lift (to stop bots from waiting there for the lift that will never come).
5. Rebuild paths and bots should be able to use the lifts now!
NOTES: You can set LiftExits on trigger volumes, that start off the lift sequence, but aren't on the lift itself. I believe the AI will wait for the Kizmit sequence, enter the lift when possible and then ride the lift to the next LiftExit.
Checkout my Debris and Decay maps for examples.
Here's a quik pic of the setup:
-- Edited by Lord_PorkSword on Tuesday 6th of July 2010 03:09:13 AM