Yeah i might disappear for a while when this gets released, good thing they overruled that initial Aussie ban, that would of been a shame, Rebellion stuck to their guns (all or nothing) and it worked, probably better so you guys don't get a watered down version.
How would that of work if you guys bought it DDS (digital distribution system / download) they can't really block that can they? I mean i know they can keep something off the shelves but with the other do they have a way to filter the region?
#uck the laser pointer .. I use a stinger mini-gun .......
I've finished the Marine and Alien levels now and I'm a couple of levels in on the Predator story now.
My thoughts... Admittidly I'm somewhat dissapointed with this game. The gfx are very nice and the game is quite fun however the game is marred by quite a few issues unfortunately.
First of all I'm one of those unfortunate people who are experiencing the stuttering and freezing issues. The game will randomly stutter in the occasional area and unfortunately I get a random lockups occuring at least once every ten minutes (sometimes every two minutes). These lockups can last up to 30seconds as well. Nothing is more annoying when you're in the middle of a battle and the game will freeze for 30seconds. This appears to be a widespread issue and moreso affects Nvidia cards with 64bit OS's as well so honestly I wonder what variety of hardware they tested it on...
My next gripe is the multiplayer side.. I can't believe that I still haven't found a multiplayer game since installing it last thursday. The dedicated servers are still in beta more like non existant.
They should have sorted out the dedicated servers BEFORE releasing the game...
Next is there's no crouch, or lean, in the game..I can't believe they did this...too many times, as the marine, I ran up to some low cover only to find I couldn't hide behind it...they should have done a GOW effort on cover. The GOW cover style works great in Mass Effect 2 and other games so why not here....
Next is AI... The androids just run straight up to you in some
Last is the length... I feel the game is too short. The Marine campaign(and others) should have been at least twice as long. I reckon it took me about 2 hours to finish the Alien campaign on normal...
TBH I do feel a bit ripped off especially after I brought the Hunter edition....
Anyway gripe over.... fortunately some of these issues are patchable and other issues I highly question the motives behind omitting things like crouch...
Don't get me wrong..the game is still quite enjoyable, and quite pretty, and it's good for old times sake killing aliens n all. The Marine campign is done rather well and has you cautiously walking around every corner.
When the ded servers up I'm sure multiplayer will be a blast...when being the operative word....
-- Edited by Lord_PorkSword on Monday 22nd of February 2010 12:36:35 PM
Last Saturday I bought avp for the PS3. I didn't get for the pc because all my friends were playing it on the ps3.
All is all I am quite disappointed. experience many of the same issues as Lord including the constant freezing.
Every few minutes the game freezes for at least 10 seconds at a time and sometimes the game freezes and I find myself dead afterwords. Also, occasionally my entire PS3 freezes altogether occasionally. I can't do anything but shut it off when this happens.
As Lord stated the game is extremely short, clocking in at 1 and a half hour for me to beat the predator campaign and 2-3 hours for the marine and alien campaigns.
When I played the multiplayer demo on the ps3 and on pc I found no games online. I just figured no one was trying the demo. Now that I have the game for the ps3 I still have not been in one game online. It appears that no one is playing or they are having issues.
AI is good sometimes but terrible others. While playing as an alien I would sneak up behind a guy and stab him through the back with my tail while other marines just look at me and do nothing. Are they retarded or something? There are many other cases to count of stupid AI.
This game is a first person shooter and in today's society they need to innovate. For a game to succeed it needs to show that it is better and different in a good way through better controls, graphics, level design, or something else. AVP does very little to innovate beyond allowing you to use the aliens and predators. They never added in some functions that have become standard in all shooters now days like ducking, or cover mechanics. I understand that cover mechanics are usually present in third person shooters and not too common in first person games so I can let this one go.
AVP is a very enjoyable game and I encourage you all to try it out. Just don't buy it. If you have a PS3 or an xbox 360 then I encourage you to rent it and only if you love it buy it.
There are some high-points in this game. I really love the stealth kills. They look spectacular. Nothing feels more rewarding than successfully sneaking up on a marine as an alien and stabbing them in the back with your tail. Or being a predator and ripping a human's spine and head out in one pull. Gruesome indeed!
The graphics are on par with most stock UT3 maps. the slightest motion blur as you turn around is apparent. Your vision is slightly panoramic as an alien. Environments are crisp and loaded with detail. The graphics and stealth kills are by far my fav of the game!
It's also hard for your inner nerd not to be happy with the sound. They have many original voices scattered throughout the audio tracks. The quick "swish" sound is apparent when you switch from regular view to thermal as the predator. The ambient effects are great too. It's tough for your inner nerd not to have an eargasm. lol
All in all I don't hate AVP but it has it's flaws. I feel ripped off buying it but I would be really happy renting it. I encourage you to try it because the campaigns are fun and graphics are great!
"There is a fine line between Sanity and Insanity. Luckily I have White-Out."
I honestly can't recommend this game until the freezing and multiplayer side of things is patched... For a 'supposed top shelf title' I feel sad to make that statement but I have to! So what I'm saying is don't buy it yet!
Believe it or not the freezing for me was also occuring during the intro vids between levels which was rather surprising. This suggests to me that there's is something seriously wrong with the underlining game itself and not the game engine...
I had another gripe with the Survival Single Player mode. In co-op I reckon it'll rock but in single player I honestly found it rather boring which is a shame. Plus there was only two I tried the survival as I got sick and tired of the lockups in the campaigns, and to find it got boring quite quickly was quite annoying...
I'm hoping once it's patched there will be dedicated servers so multiplayer 'actually exists' and the freezing issues are gone. When it is patched I'll post an update and let ya know if the major issues are fixed and then I can recommend the game for anyone who'se interested.
For now if you want to lay some cash down on a bloody good game get Mass Effect 2! It doesn't have the kewl Aliens or Predators but the game is very polished in all areas and is a hell of a lot more fun!
Off topic....the roomer mill is on again about Duke Nukem Forever. It was 80% complete when the courtcase between 3D Realms n Take Two shut development down on the project. Looks now that there's a chance (chance being the operative word here) that they may have resumed work on it again...we can only hope.... If they have then expect it to be released this year....
-- Edited by Lord_PorkSword on Monday 22nd of February 2010 11:32:17 PM
What surprised me the most is that you played it on PC and it froze constantly and when I played it on PS3 it also froze constantly/ I doubt this is a patchable problem. I think it is more of a software problem that can't be fixed with a patch.
I really wanted this game to succeed but I guess I wasn't so lucky. I'm gonna get ME2 soon since this wasn't very good.
"There is a fine line between Sanity and Insanity. Luckily I have White-Out."