[Engine.GameInfo] DefaultGame=UTGame.UTDeathmatch server default mode DefaultServerGame=UTGame.UTDeathmatch idem bAdminCanPause=true choose true ou false GameDifficulty=1.000000 bChangeLevels=True MaxSpectators=2 MaxIdleTime=0.000000 MaxTimeMargin=0.000000 TimeMarginSlack=1.350000 MinTimeMargin=-1.000000 PlayerControllerClassName=UTGame.UTPlayerControlle r bKickLiveIdlers=False ArbitrationHandshakeTimeout=0.000000 GoreLevel=0 MaxPlayers=12 set slots numbers
her set yer passwords & admin log
[Engine.AccessControl] AdminPassword= admin (set on "Admin"...default setting) GamePassword= pass IPPolicies=ACCEPT;*
[Engine.GameReplicationInfo] ServerName= set the name that will appear in list ShortName= no interrest section ...lol^^ MessageOfTheDay= the message that will read player while joining
the ligne NoRedeemer..MutNoRedeemer is just here to help the mutator to launch but will no change anything...it s just a fake command to "complete" the line :p
easy to verify if it work...join the server and click f5 (it s the default menu key for utcomp & custom ut mutators